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Bai Zhenzhen was about to eat her meal when her phone began to ring. She had already brought the spoonful of food a few inches from her mouth. When her phone rang and she froze. Why is it that of all the times it could've rung it just had to be now when she was about to settle the raging monster in her stomach? Was she about to get her due retribution for bullying it out of her younger brother's hands? no that's too soon not that she was expecting retribution of any kind with how unlucky she was she doubts karma will even bother with her. The phone just kept ringing as she was contemplating picking it up. Seeing as the caller was bent on disturbing her meal she might as well pick up the call and put whoever it was out of their misery. It had better not be a telemarketer trying to sell her something. However, if it was, it would also work in her favor, she would just vent her anger on the telemarketer. She poured back the food and placing the spoon on the table with a slam, picked up the phone to see who it was. Blowing her hair out of her face she took a glance and seeing that it was her Dog manager, she sighed and swiped to accept the call. As soon as the call went through her manager didn't even wait for her to talk and began shouting "Oy Zhenzhen who do think you think you are? I have been calling you for a while and it's how you answer. You have no manners, why should I even bother with you. You are a hopeless case you hear me hopeless"

"Sorry Mr. He, I wasn't with my phone. please don't be angry with me" She said trying to appease him. This dog manager of hers liked to shout. He wasn't happily working with her and after three years doesn't bother to act civil anymore. She hasn't had any work for some time but she doubted it was the case with his favorite artists. His phone call today must mean that her luck must have changed. she was really in need of money due to all the bills She had to pay. She hasn't been working for two years so the bills are piling up, it had gotten so bad that she has even decided to go back to her hometown but the shame of going back home to her mother who was already so proud of her was too great. Luckily that's silly brother of hers is smart enough not to tattle tale. Since the dog manager has call she might as well indulge him. "oy Zhenzhen haven't I told you several times as an artist you have to make sure that your phone is always are within reach" the Dog manager said. "get over to AZ studio, I got you a small role in Mina"s weekend drama it's quite small and you don't have to read a script, you have no lines all you have to just have to walk down the runway in a wedding gown. You're lucky that the actress that would have played that role had an accident this morning. Bai Zhenzhen aren't you ashamed of yourself you debuted at the same time as Mina but here she is playing a female lead role while you are still playing passerby roles, that's what you get for being so unlucky. Stop being stubborn and listen to me anyway that's a conversation for another day make it snappy you have 30 minutes to get here" he said and cut the call.she didn't even waste any more time, she just stood and ran into the bedroom picked out the clothes she got dressed and headed over to the studio she already knew not to mess with her dog manager he may have someone else standing by for the role. After getting dressed she ran out of the house locked the door and quickly flew down a taxi and got in she was in such a hurry that she didn't even remember that she had left her food uneating and open after some time she finally got to the studio and after paying the taxi driver she got down and walked into the studio. On arrival she quickly caught sight of her manager who called her forward, her manager stood next To Yu Mina. She walked up to them and bowed in greeting everyone. Though they both debuted at the same time You Mina and herself never got along. The ignorant public believed that Mina deserves such success in her career even to the point of her being named the nation's little sister when everyone in the industry knew she always obeyed the unspoken rule and her dog manager being the dog that he was supported it. This was the main reason why they both of them never got along. "sisters Zhenzhen I can't believe you're still playing such small roles after all these years, it's a good thing that the actress had an accident or who knows if you would have gotten an opportunity to play a role in a drama. it's not easy being independent now is it" Yu Mina said in fake concern. She most definitely did not care about anything, every word that came out of her mouth was just designed to hurt. "you follow me let's get you dressed there isn't much time," her dog manager said directing her to closet. After getting dressed she sat down in front of the mirror as the makeup artist applied her makeup. The makeup artist was very chatty, as soon as Bai Zhenzhen sat down she began complimenting her on her skin texture and suggesting good skincare and treatment. The makeup artist was so impressed with her face that she even collected her Mobile number and requested that she act as her face model one of these days. she was only playing a small role so as soon as the makeup was done. She thanked the makeup artist and was directed by the production assistant to her position the director quickly explained the scene she was to playing and a few minutes later the camera began to roll. it took her only one try to complete the scene and by the time she was done, She left every member of the crew speechless as she acted so naturally, that one would think it was real. The crew members had a banquet after the day's shoot so as soon as she was done the director was so satisfied with her that he invited her to join them for the feast in the private room. Her scene was the last so so they were done, she quickly undressed and when returned to her normal clothes then joined the rest of the crew and headed to a private room. The banquet was already going on when she took an excuse to head to the bathroom. She had just finished doing her business and was washing her hand when the bathroom door opened and Yu Mina walked into the room. After drying her hand she began heading out of the room when she was pulled back by her hair. "I only let you play a little role and you already think you run the world you little b****," Yu Minna said angrily. Bai Zhenzhen wasn't even a little bit surprised by this development, after being in the industry so long she knew how vicious some actresses could be the worst of them all was Yu Minna. Ever since they debuted Yu Minna had always had it out for her, for reasons best known to Minna because she had no idea what she could have possibly done to someone she had never met but only a few times and at events.

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