Final Chapter

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A short while later Ye Mingzhe left the conference room and was escorted by Zhou Jianyu to his waiting car. After a very stressful day he was headed back to his hotel to get a much-needed rest.

Bai Zhenzhen booked a room under his name at a five-star hotel close to Ouyang Group and had arranged for a private car for his convenience.

He could still remember the first time he had received a call from Bai Zhenzhen. He had.

'It was a raining heavily the day he received her phone call. He had just clocked out from work and drove back to his apartment.

'He drove into the underground parking lot and parked the car on his designated parking space. He lived in the penthouse suite and had a personal elevator that led directly to his apartment.

He got down from his car and walked straight to the private elevator. A security guard dressed in a uniform was standing by the elevator.

"Hey Matthew" he said as he got closer to the elevator.

"Hello Mr Ye, welcome back" Matthew replied pulling the door open for him

He had lived in New York City for nearly a decade and was doing quite well for himself. His was now a senior executive in his company and lives in the penthouse apartment of one of the cities' most expensive apartment buildings.

"Thanks Matthew It's late, good night a see you tomorrow" he said putting in his key card and unlocked the elevator.

A few seconds later the elevator arrived at his apartment and the door gently slid open. The Apartment was pitch black when he got in, his son was spending a few days at his parents' house, so he was all alone in his apartment.

'He walked into his apartment and threw his house key into the bowl by the door. He had suit jacket, loosened the tie and was opening the bottoms of his neck blue dress shirts when his phone began to ring.

He glanced down at the screen before answering the phone call. It was an unknown number with a Switzerland zip code.

"Hello Ye Mingzhe speaking" he said on fluent English

"Hello I'm Bai Zhenzhen" a soft female voice said in English.

"Bai Zhenzhen, Zhou Jianyu's wife?" he asked surprised.


"How can I be of help"

'That was the start of their relationship, after a few weeks of communication they became good friends. He served as her broker and to purchase Ouyang group shares from minority shareholders in her name so as not to draw any unnecessary attention.

'After a many weeks of planning they were victorious. He was really grateful to her for giving him an opportunity to reconcile with Zhou Jianyu. He most definitely wouldn't have been able to do that this soon if it wasn't for her'.

Back to the present.

Zhou Jianyu saw Ye Mingzhe to his car. Ye Mingzhe got into the car and the driver very drove away.

Zhou Jianyu stood by the door watching the car leave until it was completely out of sight. He turned around and walked back into the company.

The company was very active even though it was already late in the evening. Everyone was going about their duties. He got into his private elevator and went up to his office.

He was taken a back the scene that greeted him when he walked into his office.  Bai Zhenzhen and vice President Yao were seated on the couch discussing cheerfully while eating snacks.

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