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Director Wang turned around after the Elevator doors shut and walked back to the small group at the entrance.

"Director Wang why are you coming back so soon, you should be among the team Escorting the President to his office" Director Sun said as Director Wang walked over.

'As expected even if everyone else was tactful this snake wouldn't let an opportunity to set him down like this slip' Director Wang thought maintaining a neutral expression while clenching his teeth hard.

Since he got promoted to the Executive Director position He hasn't seen eye to eye with Director Sun. Director Sun was such a sore loser.

"There was no need for that, the president already gave some instructions for every department" Director Wang replied.

"Instructions?  already, that's ....strange" another Director said.

"Exactly didn't he just Enter the company today. How could he possibly be so familiar with everything so quickly? Director Sun said smugly.

'Typical bonehead Wang was trying to cover up the fact that even the new president doesn't think his capable' Director Sun thought.

"The president is already a successful CEO of a company he started from scratch at such a young age so I doubt he would take him so long to settle in" Director Xie said.

"that's right" the other Directors said.

'Once again his lackey Director Xie comes to his rescue. How long will this their symbiotic relationship last Director Xie was too ambitious go on being Director Wang's lackey' Director Sun thought unfazed by everything.

"The president asked the progress reports of all present projects and a plans for future projects be submitted to his office within an hour and_ "

"Huh how is that possible Director Wang? surely he is aware that we will need much longer than that to compile the all" Director Sun said completely taken back by the instruction.

"The president just joined the company today and already he's trying to disrupt the system. Does Zhou Jianyu think this is his little entertainment company" thought Director Sun feeling thoroughly Exasperated

"This is the president's instructions Director Sun. Do you honestly want to question his authority? said Director Wang firmly, his eyes narrowing and nose flaring slightly.

'Talking to this lughead was really maddening' thought Director Wang trying to rain in his escalating temper.

"Of course not after all his the chairman's Son" Director Sun replied Mockingly.

The rest of the Directors and other senior staff members present were already familiar with Director Sun's pompous and dereorative attitude so it didn't surprise them that he would question the actions of his new boss.

Yet he wonders why Director Wang and not him was offered the position of senior director five years when the last Executive director retired

He was among the group of people that thinks that all members of rich families like the
Excecutive Director and the President were lazy and inadequate workers.

"Director Sun I advise you to treat the President with some respect. He is your new boss and should be treated with the respect he deserves" an authoritative female voice said shocking everyone and completely wiping the smile our of Director Wang's face.

"Uh um V V  Vice President Yao, I didn't see you there" Director Sun said nervous.

Vice President Yao Chiyu wasn't someone you should annoy not if you valued your job. She was the wicked witch of Ouyang group.

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