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The next day Bai Zhenzhen was so worried with all that was happening that it affected her performance she had quite a few NGs  that even Director Ma that was familiar with her Acting knew something was wrong.

It was out of character for her to have this much NGs. Bai Zhenzhen was a very talented actress she usually shot euch scene without any retakes but today she had made even a Rockie mistake.

Something was up, Director Ma gave her a short  break to clear her head and shot other scenes.

She hadn't received any news from Jianyu so she was worried. That was understandable His plane must not have landed in C nation.

She had tried calling mother and grandmother on the phone but they had been no answers at all. She had grown so worried within the space of hours.

Has thing gotten much more serious, has father's condition too a dive for the worse the wait had her imagining the worse.

She didn't like that she wasn't there with the family to be with them in this time of need. Zhou Jianyu had been right she had to stay and complete her scenes and complete them she would.

After an hour's rest she got her Emotions under control and returned back into the studio to shoot her scenes.

After a long hours flight the plane landed and Zhou Jianyu got down bc and walked through the special exit to meet his assistant Xiaobo who was waiting to drive him to the hospital.

"Welcome back boss" Xiaobo said collecting of his luggage.

"How is father's condition? He asked in a low tone.

"Their are no new improvements the president is now out of critical conditions but he is in a comma" Xiaobo replied.

"How is my mother and grandmother taking everything? He asked.

"not well they have been in the hospital with him for a while" Xiaobo replied.

"Let's get going then" he said with a slight frown.

His grandmother was much older it wasn't good for her to be this worried. He already suspected that like his mother she must not have gotten any rest.

He had to get to the hospital and relieve them of their vigil They needed to get some rest. He had already spoken with Suyin she would be flying in by the end of today.

He was in good terms with his father but that didn't change the fact that he was his father and he cared about his well being. He doesn't wish him to die not like this.

After a forty minutes drive they arrived at B city's first citizens Hospital and went up to the VIP ward where he father was.

When he arrived at the ward he was impressed at how tight security was. That was  good the last thing he need right now was for the press to get wind of this.

They had managed to keep it under the wraps so far but it's only a matter of time before it becomes public knowledge but before that he would put some precautions in place to reduce the effects on their share prices

When he walked into the room his mother and grandmother both looked worn out. They both looked like they had aged a few years in just a day.

They were both seated on the couch at both sides of the hospital bed. It was his mother that first saw him walk in

"Jianyu your back, how are you doing! How is Zhenzhen? She asked standing and rushing up to him.

"I'm fine how are you doing mother? he asked looking at her up close she seemed so fragile like even the wind could carry her away.

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