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Bai Zhenzhen got out of the bathroom and walked over to the phone while drying her hair with a towel to order dinner when there was a knock on the door.

"Is that you Da Xia" she said walking over to the door.

She got to the door and turning the door knob pulled it open. 

"Zhenzhen" Zhou Jianyu said softly.

"What are you doing here" Bai Zhenzhen said surprised. This was unexpected she wasn't expecting him to find out her hotel room. At least not this quick she avoided informing her manager of her present accomodations just so that she could avoid this.

"May I come in, we really shouldn't be doing this in the hallway" Zhou Jianyu said softly.

"Come in" she turned to the side to let him pass. As soon as he was inside she shut the door and walked towards the room couch wanting to keep a distance from him.

He had really lost weight, his well groomed hair looked longer than it was a month ago. Which was surprising considering how attentive he was to his appearance.

That was good at least he suffered as much as she did. Seeing him so unkept was a  consolation to her. He had ripped heart away and stumped on it. He didn't deserve even a little freedom.

"It's been a while" He said walking closer.

"Stay back I really don't want you to come any closer" she said taking a step back.

"Okay that's fine I can do that" He took a step back and asked  "How are you?

"Is that why your here because big it was you could have just sent over an Email like you usually do. There was No need to come here an disturb my peace" She said looking away.

"of I did who you have answered me, you have been ignoringy all my Emails" He said putting his hands in his pockets and bowing down his head.

"I wonder why" she replied sacastic

"I guess I deserve that" He said

"and much more" She replied

"and much more but you left before I could explain everything" He said.

"oh so it's my fault that you with held such an important information as a past marriage from me your wife. Tell me Jianyu is that what you are trying to say" she said angry. why did she let him come in she should have shut the door on his face.

"No no that's not what I mean wait Zhenzhen lets start this again" He said finally seeing the error in his words. That wasn't what he was going for, he has to clean up his mess before it ruined the good thing he had working out for him.

"Well I am waiting I don't have much time I just came back from the set I need to eat dinner and get some rest" She said quickly.

"I promise I won't keep you waiting not anymore. Zhenzhen am so sorry for keeping this from you. it was very wrong of me to do that I should have been more forthcoming about my past" He said.

"You really should you have no idea how embarrassed I was hearing that like everyone else for the first time" Bai Zhenzhen said sitting on the couch.

"I am so sorry for that" he replied.

"Why did you do that. You had a lot of chances to tell me why didn't you ever do? She asked

"I was scared to do that and hurt your feeling. I was there for most of your firsts but you missed one of my most important First" he said.

"I don't care that you were previously married I only care that you never told me. You said that you never wished to hurt me and yet you did. You always keep thing close to your heart and never let me in this is what happens when you aren't being completely honest with me. I asked you about your relationship with her and you told me you were just childhood friends" She said bitterly.

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