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"Wow she's gotten bigger Fei'er" Bai Zhenzhen said carrying the little sweetie in her hands. She hadn't visited for some weeks now thanks to her very tight schedule. "with how much she eats I would be worried if she wasn't getting bigger. it really hasn't been easy Zhenzhen, I thought the nine months of pregnancy was hard but taking care of a baby has to take the cake of it all. I feel like I haven't slept in a month, this little sweetie has got me staying awake all through the night" Fei'er complained with a sigh. She was extremely fatigued and short tempered due to lack of sleep. She had no idea why there wasn't infant boarding schools so she could register her little trouble and finally have some due needed rest. She was so tired of doing nothing that she actually looked towards going back to work too bad her mother wouldn't have it. "Don't worry Fei'er am sure it would get better" Bai Zhenzhen said chuckling silently. "Eassy for you to say your not the one getting only two hours sleep a day. I am even sleeping less than an idol trainee" Fei'er said. "Fei'er" Zhenzhen laughed softly her hands covering her mouth to avoid making much noise little sweetie had just slept. "your laughing, when you have a child we will see if you would still feel like laughing after staying awake overnight thanks to an annoyingly Happ baby who can't tell day from night" Fei'er muttered angry. "Oh Fei'er am sorry. There really isn't any pleasing you is there. Not so long ago you were begging her to get out of your womb so you could get back control of your body. Now that she's finally out you are still not satisfied. Fei'er aren't you being too difficult" Bai Zhenzhen said smiling. "Oh this is why you shouldn't have a best friend be that has been with you for so long that you can't get rid of her course she knows too much. If you really want to make me feel better you could take her off my hands even for a few days. I thought I would miss her maybe then I can get a whole eight hours sleep without any crying baby waking me" Fei'er said. "I wouldn't dare, I don't think I want to get on Ling Chao's bad side anytime soon" Bai Zhenzhen said. "Scary cat, Zhenzhen where's your sense of adventure" Fei'er said. "Missing and thank God for that. I think you just want to put me in trouble" Bai Zhenzhen said. "maybe I do. How have you and Mr CEO been" Fei'er said. "very good I moved in with him" Zhenzhen said. "Wow Zhenzhen is now a big girl. how did that silly brother of yours take it, I bet he said I was a bad influence" Fei'er said. "Yes he did among other things" Zhenzhen said. "Among other things! that silly boy has gotten too confident. If I wasn't confined for a month I would have tracked him down and teach him a lesson" Fei'er said. "Fei'er your now a mother act like one" Mother Shen said walking into the room with a tray of soup. "why can't you ever take my side mother. I just want to teach an unruly boy a lesson" Fei'er replied pulling a long face on her mother who ignored her and placed the tray on the side table. "Hush now have some soup you have to save your strength" Mother Shen said handing the tray over to Shen Fei'er. "thanks mother" Shen Fei'er said smiling. "It mother that cares about me the most" Fei'er said and began digging in. "aiyo you really have a sweet tongue hidden behind your venomous words. You naughty girl" Mother Shen said flicking her daughter forehead which just made Shen Fei'er smile wider. "Zhenzhen it's been a while how are you doing" Mother Shen said smiling. Bai Zhenzhen was like a daughter to her. She had watched her grow up, Nuying and herself have been close friends since childhood. "It really has Aunt Shen. I have been good and you? Bai Zhenzhen replied.  "I have been good. Just a little tired taking care of this rascal daughter of mine. Fei'er tells me you will be leaving for A city in a few days time" Mother Shen said. "Yes I will, filming will be starting soon" Bai Zhenzhen replied. "Alright, take care of yourself alright" Mother Shen said. "I will Aunt Shen" Bai Zhenzhen replied. "Alright, I am still making dinner I'll get going" Mother Shen said and walked out of the room. Bai Zhenzhen stayed for sometime before leaving for her date with Zhou Jianyu.

They were attending the VIP screening of the Star entertainment and Phoenix entertainment joint project Movie [ Conquest ]. The movie was scheduled to premiere on the theater around the country in a week's time after four months of post production. The venue for the VIP screening of the movie was the screening room of Phoenix entertainment so Bai Zhenzhen was escorted inside by Xiaobo. Zhou Jianyu was meeting with the investors and director of the movie. As soon as she walked in Zhou Jianyu dismissed everyone and walked up to her. "Your here" He said and took her hands in his. "how was your day" he said. "It was good and yours" She replied with a shy smile. "mine was also good, let's get going the screening is about to start" He replied holding her hands and walking into the room. Everyone present apart from Xiaobo were curious about their relationship. Zhou Jianyu has never been seen with a woman that many thought that he was interested in men especially with how close he was with his assistant Xiaobo. However after seeing their interaction they began to doubt that popular belief. As much as they wished to find out what their relationship was they did date ask . In the Entertainment industry most people choose to hide their relationship, with how private Zhou Jianyu was it's no surprise if he also wished to hide his relationship especially since Bai Zhenzhen was an artist signed under Phoenix entertainment.

After the screening, Zhou Jianyu and Bai Zhenzhen headed back home. "That was really beautiful Jianyu Director Zhong really outdid himself. I have a feeling that [ Conquest ] is really going to do very well in the box office. I almost feel sad that I wasn't among the cast" she said as she brushed her hair seated on the dressing table. "He really did a good job, we'll be contracting Director Zhong to direct another project at the second half of the year if you're interested I could get you an invitation to the audition for a price that is. This time it going to be solely a Phoenix entertainment project and filming will take place in B city. What do you say" He said grabbing her hands and drawing her up to rest on his chest. "Okay I look forward to working with you Mr Zhou but what's the catch" She said wrapping her hands around his neck and straddling him by the waist, their face only inches away. "It's very simple Miss Bai, You just have to please me very well and I'll get you an invitation" he said. "Okay" she replied and pulling in for a kiss. Their tongue going into a thug of war and the room heating up  They were in such a frenzy that Zhou Jianyu walked forward and knocking everything on the dressing table dropped her on the table and began kissing down her neck until he got to her core.

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