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They all stayed back for close to an hour and half catching up on everything else.  They also talked about their future products more especially Shen Xue's upcoming film.

A few minutes to 1pm Shen Xue left and traveled back to the set of his ongoing production but not before promising to send over the script and arrange a day for Bai Zhenzhen to come into the new company.

After the luncheon Bai Zhenzhen and Shen Fei'er left the restaurant and went shopping. After two hours of shopping they went back home.

True to his words late in the evening the crime flick script was delivered to Zhou Jianyu's house. Bai Zhenzhen was present so as soon as the bell rang.

She answered the door and signed over the package. Zhou Jianyu was running late at work so she opened up the package and began to go through the script.

She was halfway through the script when Zhou Jianyu returned from work. She had been reading in the living room.

After walking into the house, Zhou Jianyu changed out of his shoes to his slippers and removed his coat and jackets.

She was so absorbed in the script that she had no idea that he was back until she felt a hand wrap around her from behind and a familiar male voice say

"Hey there stranger what's got your attention that you didn't even hear me come in"

"Jianyu wow this script has really got me hooked" She said turning looking up.

"New Script? I thought you don't have any  movies coming up after The palace and Director Ma's movie" He said seating next to her.

"Oh I don't. At least until now. Speaking of projects. you know that I met up with Brother Shen Xue and Fei'er for lunch today" She said smiling.

"Yes you sent me a text. How was lunch" He said

"Good, Brother Shen Xue had some good news for us. He and his former band mate and friend Lu Zhiyuan registerd a production studio" she said.

"Thats surprising"

"That's what I said. I had no idea that he was interested in that. They would be producing a short crime flick tin the summer next year and I was offered a role in their Production"

"And let me guess that is the script for the movie"

"Yes it is" She handed the script over to him."I accepted the offer"

"That's good, this script has some potential" he said Reading through the first few pages.

"That's why I invested in the company" She said.

"Really I had no idea you were interested in that" He said surprised.

"I have always been interested in everything regarding film production. After acting for so many years I guess I would like to try my hand a producing. That way I would have full control over the production. plus it seams like a good investment" She said.

"I think it is a good idea. This is a very solid script with proper management you can archive something good" He said handing her back the script.

"I am glad that you thing so " she said.

"It's a good thing you guys aren't filming till late next year since your company is new you guys have a lot of work cut out for you" He said pulling her into his hands.

"Between the three of us I think that we are up to tasks" she said.

"I never doubted that my sweetheart is the best" He said smiling.

"That I am so don't you ever doubt that baby" she said giving him a peck.

* * *

Few days later Bai Zhenzhen went over to the company building and signed the partnership agreement.

Since this was the official contract signing members of the press was invited present and pictures were taken and posted online in the official company website.

Which made headlines for a few days since all three partners were top celebrities. During the contract signing questions were wedged on if they would be signing other artists under them.

To which Shen Xue answered for them all "Yes we would but for the time being we would be focused on production for the meantime. We will let you know as soon as we do sign an artist under us"

During their first meeting they had come to that a agreement and many more.

The company lunch was so successful that a few days later they began to go through some script to determine their future projects.

A few days later they had their first scandal when a Photo of Bai Zhenzhen and Shen Xue leaving a restaurant together late in the night was published in an online gossip rag.

The article had claimed that she had been cought cheating on Zhou Jianyu with Shen Xue.

The article blew the whole thing out of proportion that before long a lot of Shen Xue fans and the fans of Phoenix entertainment began dropping mean comments on her page.

'Bai Zhenzhen you slut why don't you go and kill yourself'

'Bai Zhenzhen please leave my husband Shen Xue alone'

"I now renounce ever being your fan Bai Zhenzhen"

'Bai Zhenzhen you are just a gold digger. Please leave our handsome CEO alone'

'Bai Zhenzhen can you please Push yourself in a river and die'

"Bai Zhenzhen please leave the entertainment industry'

Bai Zhenzhen had no idea that she had been involved in a scandal with Shen Xue as she had been busy filming a scene.

They had already started shooting Director Zhong's series for a few weeks now so she hadn't been out in the public eye until now.

Director Zhong didn't like unnecessary hype in his movies as he felt that they took away the attention from the act so slot of his production aren't made public while filming.

The photograph that got leaked was from a production dinner that Bai Zhenzhen, Shen Xue and the rest of the major casts and crew had attended.

Majority of the cast were still in the dinner when Bai Zhenzhen and Shen Xue had left earlier with the director as they had an early morning shoot in the next town and we're headed over there in a bus after the dinner.

Before long Star entertainment and the production issued a statement stating that the two stars had attended a production dinner and we're headed back to set with the rest of the crew when the pictures were taken.

They also released a few pictures of everyone in the dinner and the two stars and the director in the van heading back to set.

This completely dispelled the scandal and also brought Everyone attention to their upcoming project.

A few days later the production created a webpage with the name and synopsis of the series and detailed list of the cast.

Before long a lot of the fans began to send over their apologizes to Bai Zhenzhen page. Some promptly rushed over to the Online gossip rags website and began to drop rebuking comments.

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