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44 year ago Ouyang residence

It was the 10th birthday of Ouyang Wenchang. His parents hosted a birthday banquet, they had invited their family friends, business partners and members of the high society they were familiar with.

Most of the guest came with their children who ran around the house while the adults conversed between themselves.

Sometime later His father held him close at led him to the center of the hall. He wanted to make a toast to commensurate this special day.

Standing at the center of the room, He raised up his wine glass up in the air and gently Clinked the glass with a spoon.

     *Clink* *clink*

All conversation and all else came to a pause and everyone focused on to Old master Ouyang.yge host and his young Son Ouyang Wenchang.

"Everyone let's have a toast, to my youngest son Ouyang Wenchang. The celebrant of this banquet, since the day he came into this world. His been a source of blessing to us all so here's to him" he said raising up his wine glass.

"here here" All the guest chorused.

Meanwhile right next to the window overlooking the pool two guest striked up a conversation.

"Youngest Son, dosen't the Ouyang Family have only this one son or did something major happen when I was in Germany these few years?" the first guest asked

"Oh yes, you totally missed all the gossip. it was quite the scandal" the second guest replied.

"Really, alright this I have to hear" the first guest said completely gossip hungry.

She had moved to Germany for a few years with her family and missed all of the high society's prime gossip. Now that she was back she needed to get up to date with everything.

"well I heard this from Mrs Meng who heard it from her housekeeper who has a cousin that works as a maid at Ouyang residence.

Apparently Six years ago on Christmas day Yao Xia brought over an 11 years old boy who she claimed was Ouyang Xiusheng's son"

"What !! wow madam Ouyang must have been so shocked to meet not just her husband's mistress but his illegitimate son. So messy"

"Oh you've actually got it wrong Yan'er"

"Oh how so?"

"Well for one the child isn't hers but her sister Yao Song's child. You should still remember her, she was one of the top socialites back then at least before she left the country"

"oh yeah that's right, She's the Yao family's eldest daughter what a stocked up b*ch. Always acting like she was all that when her family had nothing.

The Yao family basically relied on the Ouyang Family for everything. Because of how close both families were it was speculated that she would marry into the Ouyang Family.

I mean everything could she how much he adored her, too bad she ended the relationship as soon as she got an offer to travel to the states" the first guest replied

"Like it wasn't enough that she broke his heart, she also left with his child. Even her family weren't aware of the child's existence until she died of cancer.

It was the facility she stayed on that called her next of kin Yao Xia who traveled to the states settled everything thing and then came back with her son".

"wow that Yao Song really is trouble. I'm surprised Ouyang Xiusheng easily believed her. For all we know that child could be someone else's, she was quite skanky back then"

"He he here you are talking like an ignorant person, this is the Ouyang Family were talking about. I'm sure he he did a DNA test"

"Even though he already has a son what does he need another son for especially not one with messy origins"

"I guess he feels responsible, he is his father. He would definitely raise him with his other children but we both know that since he already has an Legitimate son Ouyang Guangli can never inherite the company"

"true he can only be a distinguished young master nothing else because in the eyes of society Ouyang Wenchang his the favoured son and heir to Ouyang Group".

"that's true Ouyang Guangli is nothing but an interloper, a mistake that should never have happened.  if he must blame someone he should blame his mother for not telling the father of her child that she was pregnant.

I mean how stupid could she be back then Ouyang Xiusheng hadn't met Madam Ouyang. He was still madly in love with Yao Song. He would have married her in a heartbeat"

"I know right so stupid, Who passes away an opportunity to be Madam Ouyang?"

"An idiot that is"

At the other side of the window Ouyang Guangli sat still silently taking in what he heard. Even after six years he still didn't feel like a member of the Ouyang residence and this was the exact reason.

Even though he was treated really well he still felt like an intruder in their peaceful little family.

All theses should have been his, if there wasn't any Ouyang Wenchang it would be his. He would be the only son and heir of the family. He would get everyone's respect, no one would dare call him an unwanted child or a mistake.

just then he watched as Ouyang Wenchang quickly ran out of the house and ran towards the greenhouse.

Ouyang Guangli quickly followed him close taking care not to grab his attention. Before the green house was a flight of stairs leading to a small Park next to the house.

At the base was a ditch covered up with sticks and leave, they had been banned from playing in the park.

Since it was now under reconstruction but Ouyang Wenchang was very naughty and always plays down there.

Ouyang Wenchang was currently standing at the steps about to go down and take the safe trial down to the park when he felt a strong push from behind.

He shouted in surprise as he fell down the stairs hitting and scratching his head, hands and legs on the stairs.

As he fell he saw the ditch infront of him, scared he stretched out his hands hoping to grab hold of a stern or a stone anything that would hold him up until someone came around.

As he watched Wenchang fall down the flight of stairs, he felt an outburst of joy for the first time in a while. He stood and watched him fall, smiling  widely. He had never been this happy since he came back to C nation.

When he heard voices from afar he quickly ran away not wanting to draw any attention to this location. In order for his plan to work out he didn't want anyone to find Ouyang Wenchang at least not before he died.

Still smiling he walked back to the house, two hours later the man hunt for Ouyang Wenchang began.

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