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The next morning she woke up when the day was all bright. Fei'er was lying opposite her with her head resting on the right hand of the couch. They must have been really tired to have fallen asleep in such an uncomfortable position. noticing the noise coming from the kitchen, it was safe to assume that her brother Bai Liu was back finally back from the night shift. Her brother was an ER doctor in Health of the sick general hospital. He was in his life final year of residence so he was often on the night shift.  She sat up on the couch stretched and put her leg in a fluffy cute bunny  slippers. she walked out of this living room and into the kitchen her brother was turn back frying some eggs. "your back when you get back, I thought I'll be awake by the time you call me"  she said resting on the counter. "I thank god that this time you guys didn't get drunk. I'm too tired to take care of some drunk girls. Say wasn't the mouthy witch supposed to be back by weekend" Bai Liu said with a snot.
"hey you getting too bored these days, keep talking and I'll get you down a notch" Fei'er said from the door. "damn it my luck has run out since you're not awake" Bai Liu said placing three plates of food on the table. "this silly boy, I see that you've gotten more confident" Fei'er said jumping and grabbing his ear while holding him under her armpit. "let me go little devil if only your fans can see you now. We'll see if you can maintain the image of a fairy princess. Elder sister Zhenzhen  quickly take a photo of us or better still make a video. I want everyone to see that the little fairy princess isn't that much of a fairy just more like the demon princess" He replied. "hey you ! She said shocked, in that moment of distraction Bai Liu quickly escaped from her hold, ran to the other side of the table and hid behind his elder sister. "Zhenzhen quickly let me get hold of him" She said pointing at him. That sneaky boy distracted her so he can escape. "You've really gotten bold, don't worry I will teach you a lesson. Zhenzhen let me get him please" she said stomping her feet on the floor. "Alright everyone calm down. Fei'er let him go Liu'er is just being silly. come let's eat"  Zhenzhen said grabbing hold of Bai Liu's hand and leading him to sit next to her. "Alright, but this isn't over yet. Sneaky cat I will get you back for this" Fei'er said sitting opposite Zhenzhen and began eating.

After eating Bai Zhenzhen and Fei'er cleared the table and washed the dishes. Bai Zhenzhen had just finished placing a plate on the plate rank when her phone began to ring. Drying her hands with a napkin she brought the phone out of her pocket and swiped to accept the call "Elder brother Shen Xue"

Shen Xue was Fei'er Eldest male cousin and their senior in B city academy of art. He was the reigning Film Emperor after winning the best actor awards in the last Golden Geese awards. "Zhenzhen how are you doing" he said. "Am good , elder brother Wang Zhen o read that you are currently shooting a action movie in H city. Your schedule must be very tight as you have time to call me now." She took seat on the couch. "I actually called because I have a good news a real just popped out in the movie I was shooting is a small role and I thought of you how will you feel about playing the role of a beautiful scam artist that functions as as a ballet dancer" He replied. "What really when can I start. oh my god I can't believe it" Zhenzhen said giddily. "the real opened up cuz the actress that would have played it cancelled she got cast in another movie so I suggested more like recommended you to the director I just called to find out if you are interested in the role"

"what I am I'm so interested do you know how long I've said without acting I don't have any that job so I can act as long as they want" she replied smiling wide.

"I will let the director know that you are interested. shooting has already started so I'll give the production assistant your number and he will get back at you on the schedule so keep your phone handy"

"Thank you Elder brother Shen Xue"

"it was nothing, Zhenzhen you take care of yourself. See you soon, I promise when you get into H City I'll treat you to dinner. I have to get back now. bye-bye" He said and cut the call.

"who was that" Fei'er said all washed up and dressed. "Elder brother Shen Xue" Zhenzhen replied. "typical that cousin of mine only cares about you.  He really forgets family for a beauty" Fei'er said sitting next to her. "don't be silly he was actually calling me for a role in his new movie". "that is good then I really wanted to be mad at him for calling to check up on you. when he didn't even pay me a visit while on tour. I'll just report him to Grandma when next we speak over the phone. So When do you start"

"Soon, I haven't gotten the exact date. He said he woild give my contact to the production assistant. Who would get back to me with the schedule and The script"

"well until then let's have some fun".

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