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"This can't possibly be the top secret place you are taking me is? she said surprised.

"What if it is" he replied smiling.

"Darling this is the civil affairs office.please tell me we are here for something else other than what I think we are" she said looking straight at him. Seeing is unfazed expresdion she was surprised.

Zhou Jianyu never made rash decisions, it just wasn't his style at all.

"Jianyu we can't possibly be here to register our marriage it's too soon for that. We just got engaged thirty minutes ago" She replied eyes wide seeing his obvious nod in affirmation of her fears.

Zhou Jianyu was always thoughtful in his actions but that did not mean he couldn't be very impulsive when he wished to be.

This is a man that invited himself to dinner In her apartment just so he could meet her brother and when Bai Liu was still skeptical about their relationship he had the guts to threaten to run away with her and never come back to C nation.

A Determined Zhou Jianyu was never to be underestimated not when his mind was already made up.

"So there's no rule that says that we can't get married thirty minutes after we got engaged. If I had my way I would have married you the first time l met you again after so many years" he said pouting.

"Huh Jianyu what do you mean? Have we meet before apart from when I ran into you in the restaurant that year.

"I first saw you during a ballet performance as the white swarm five years ago. I initially wanted to approach you after the show but you didn't come out. So I waited by the back door of the theater but when you came out you were joking around with your friends so I didn't bother calling you out.  We finally me one on one on the elevator in Phoenix entertainment a year later, you came over to sign a contract for production we were co-producing with Star entertainment. when got stuck in the elevator together, I was cluster phobic so you tried to distract me from my present condition" he said.

"and did I succeed" She asked softly

"Yes you did that was when I fell in love with you but when we were finally rescued you left earlier. I searched around for you all these years and finally saw you that night in the restaurant. When we met in the mall again I discovered you didn't recognize me so I decided to actively pursue you" he replied.

"after a long time fate gave you a chance" She said.

"So I grabbed on and never let go. Zhenzhen I have never loved a woman as much as I love you" he said taking both of her hands in his.

'Not even Su Lixue? she asked looking into his eyes

"Not even her, I was only with Su Lixue because it was expected of me by my mother and after sometime I soon learned that she was a cancer that ate into your heart and soul" He replied holding her gaze.

"I had no idea, why didn't you tell me from the start" She said.

"I didn't want to scare you off just yet and I was a bit scared" He said looking down at his foot.

"What? you scared. wow am surprised you always seemed so confident to me" She replied.

"No one is completely confident when in love not when you are so in love and Zhenzhen I love. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I want to grow old with you, take care of  you and be together with you better for worse. You just have to remember one thing Zhenzhen even if the world abandons you and attack you I would never let you go. I will be with you till the end of time. Even death can't keep me away from you. We are together forever, we are ride or die baby" he said.

She held his gaze for a few minutes before pulling him down for a kiss.

"Let's go" she said and he grabbed her hands and happily ran in together with a wide smile on their lips.

They walked hand into the office and began to register their marriage. Zhou Jianyu had call in earlier so they didn't have to wait back.

* * *

Little Fan Fan who worked in the records department of the Civil affairs office was a huge fan of Bai Zhenzhen. She was about to clock out when she saw Bai Zhenzhen and Zhou Jianyu walk hand in hand into the marriage registry office.

She quickly took a picture and send it to Bai Zhenzhen's fan page

Xiao Fan fan: our goodness can in to get her marriage certificate with CEO Zhou

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As soon as it was sent it began to recieve a lot of response and getting reposted a lot of times that

  #Bai Zhenzhen and Zhou Jianyu's marriage'

became the most searched key tag online.

* * *

meanwhile in the marriage registry office.

"Oh my Jianyu we don't have my family registry with us it's with my mother so I will have to go over to A city and get it" she said a few steps away from the counter.

"Don't worry I already have that covered he said raising up two family registry.

"What how did you get this? she asked eye wide

"From mother" he replied quickly.

"Mother? when did you meet my mother. Jianyu did you really travel on a business trip three days ago? she asked.

"No I didn't" He replied.

"You went to A city to meet with my mother didn't you. What? why didn't mum let me of this. I spoke with her this morning" She said.

"It was a secret, I wanted to surprise you so I asked min not to let you know" He replied.

"and she didn't, she must really like you. if she hid this from me. Zhou Jianyu how did you charm my mother to your side" she said.

"The same way you did mine now that everything is settled can we please get going" he replied with a wink.

"okay let's go darling" she replied and they walked forward.

An hour later they walked out of B City's Civil affairs office with their red cards an a picture of them together smiling cheerfully and  holding up the red cards.

Zhou Jianyu was driving them back home when Bai Zhenzhen's phone rang loudly.

"Aiyo Zhenzhen don't tell me you got married without letting me know" Shen Fei'er shouted loudly as soon as she answered the call.

"That was quick how did you know, we just left the civil affairs office" Bai Zhenzhen replied surprised.

"Well one of your friends saw you guys enter the marriage registry office and took a picture. The picture has been reposted a million times in just an hour. Everyone has started posting congratulatory messages. Check you news feeds and messages" Shen Fei'er said.

"What? Fei'er I will call you back" Bai Zhenzhen said and checked her phone. Just like Fei'er said she and Zhou Jianyu were the most searched. Many celebrities had infact already sent over congratulatory messages.

She had received a few missed calls and messages from friends. Even her manager had sent her a message.

"What's wrong darling" Zhou Jianyu asked looking forward.

"Someone saw us in the marriage registry office, took a picture and posted it online" Bai Zhenzhen.

"That was bound to happen we were exactly subdue. Don't worry when we get home we will send out a post" he said and unsurprised.

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