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"Your back, I was starting to worry. How are you doing" Da Xia said as Soon as she saw her."You saw" Zhenzhen said in a small voice. "I had already finished making our order when it happened. If you don't feel like acting, you can take an excuse, I will give the director an explanation"  Da Xia said. "No need I feel much better. We just started shooting it would be rude if I started taking last minute excuses" She said patting her on the back and heading to the wardrobe to change into her costume. "Sister Zhenzhen I don't think you're a washed out actress. I think you are the best, your dedication to your work speaks highly of you. I wasn't actually Manager He's choice of an assistant for you, it was someone else. I switched with her because I admire you right from your ballet days. Little Fairy Zhenzhen am your Fan so you can do it" Da Xia said bringing tears to her eyes. "Thanks a lot" Zhenzhen said with a smile.
Thirty minutes later, it was time for her scene. The Director was making use of real time to shoot. In this scene her character Miss Eve was meeting with male lead Shen Xue's character Mr P to pass down some information so she was wearing a blonde wig and dressed in black. On the director's call she began walking to where Shen Xue stood and the camera began to roll.

As the director shouted cut Da Xia ran over and placed her coat on her shoulder. The night was extremely windy in H city. "That was good Zhenzhen" Shen Xue said walking up to her. "Thanks and you too brother Xue"She replied. The director quickly called them over to go through the scene, the walked over and looked into the camera. "This was good, Zhenzhen you have a fight scene tomorrow evening so you will have to co-ordinate with the stunt master to put in a practice. Since you will be doing the scene with  Wu Tong you guys have to schedule the practice together. I already spoke with him he will be here soon considering he has a 10:30pm shoot" the Director said. "Yes director I will change out of my costume" Zhenzhen said and walked back to the changing room.

After changing back to her normal clothes she met with Wu Tong and the stunts master and scheduled a practice for the next morning at 10am. Wu Tong was a senior in the industry known for acting action movies so Bai Zhenzhen was overjoyed to be working with him. Her mother was a big fan of his.

"Sister Zhenzhen I heard some gossip from the crew while you were shooting. Apparently you role Miss Eve was sopposed to be played by Lu Yingtai. She was overed the role but rejected it due to the pay for a series with a much higher budget. They're also shooting in H studios so it likely that we might run into her" Da Xia said as she drove them back to the hotel. "Really what will be will be" Zhenzhen said thoughtfully.

The next day Bai Zhenzhen had just finished the practice and was heading out to grab some lunch together with Da Xia when thet ran into none other than Lu Yingtai and her team of assistants. "Zhenzhen what are you doing here" Lu Yingtai spat out angrily. "Well hello to you too" Zhenzhen said smiling. She already knew how much her smile irritated Lu Yingtai. "I don't have time for stupid pleasantries, Bai Zhenzhen why are you here. Don't tell me you followed Li Cheng all the way here. I will have you know that you can see him. he's mine" Lu Yingtai said. "Don't insult me Yingtai. I don't follow a man around hoping to get his attention am not you" Zhenzhen said still smiling. "You" Lu Yingtai said pointing at her hissing. "We"re also shooting her, I was feeling famished and decided to have Lunch" Zhenzhen replied. "what, you have a shoot. You lie which production is that" Lu Yingtai said worried. "The Blacklist, what's wrong Yingtai worried that I will out stage you. Don't tell me you thought it was only you that gets to shoot in H studios" Zhenzhen said walking past her.  Lu Yingtai stood watching her leave with her hands balled up. "Let's go" she said to her team harshly walking forward. This wasn't good why did she have to get any work. this isn't good at all. This was her time and no one will stand in her way. She has to think of how to suppress Bai Zhenzhen she can't out shine her. Lu Yingtai thought as she ate. After her night shoot she changed out of her costume and getting into her Van, ordered her assistants out of the van and made a call. "Uncle Chu how do you do" She said as soon as the call connected. "Yingtai it's been a while" an elderly voice said. "Yes it has. Uncle I actually called to tell you a good news" She said cheerfully. "Really what is it" He replied. "Uncle Your favorite actress Bai Zhenzhen is back in the industry. I just met her this afternoon in H studios" she said. "Really Yingtai really cares about me most. Thanks for bringing me such a good news. take care of yourself. You've made uncle happy so pick any new drama you like and I will invest in it and make you the female lead" He said laughing. "Thank you Uncle, I will check and get back to you" she replied and he cut the call after asking how her parents were doing.

After the call disconnected Lu Yingtai smiled brightly happy that her fruit had beared fruits. She had basically shut two short two birds with one stone raising up her phone and looking at the source of her anger. Bai Zhenzhen was currently trending after Shen Fei'er posted two photos of her in a red gown and a yellow gown which made her fans search up information on Bai Zhenzhen and post it online all of which was good. Like it wasn't enough the episode of the weekend drama {Dress Makers closet} which she stared in aired which received great reviews with the public singing her praises. With everything going on Bai Zhenzhen was bound to make a comeback and that was something she couldn't afford to happen not if she can stop it.

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