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After Filming her scenes she was driven back to the hotel. After the van came to a stop,she stepped down from the car and walked into the hotel lobby. She didn't have much scenes today so she left earlier than she usually did. Swiping her room card she got into her hotel room to find the light on and Zhou Jianyu standing by the bed.  She was so surprised that for a few seconds they stood motionless taking euch other in. With a small scream she propelled herself with great force giving a hug making him lose his footing and falling backwards they fell onto the bed. "I missed you" she said in low tones. "me too" he replied shocking them both. Zhou Jianyu had not always been the most out spoken about his feelings, it could be said that she did most of the talking in their relationship. "You must be starving let's go have dinner" Zhou Jianyu said breaking the silence. "I'll go wash up" Bai Zhenzhen said and walked into the bathroom. After washing up she got dressed and they headed down the elevator and got into Zhou Jianyu's car. "Let's go to Red room restaurant their food is very tasty" She said. "okay you grew up in A city so you're more familiar" he said smiling. She typed in the address into the GPS as he drove. The arrived at the restaurant and leaving the car for the valet walked into the restaurant. After booking a private room they followed the waitress to the private room. They were walking down a hallway when Bai Zhenzhen heard a voice call her name "Zhenzhen". She stopped and turned to see who it was "Elder brother Shirong" she said with a smile. "Zhenzhen, it was you. How are you doing" Zhao Shirong said walking closer and standing opposite Bai Zhenzhen. "I am good and you. I had no idea you were back C nation much less in A city" she said. "I only got back into the country a month ago. I'm actually in A city to attend a conference. I paid Aunty Nuying a visit two days ago and she informed me that you were on filming in A city. She'd invited me to dinner on Sunday and I'd hoped I would see you then but here we are" he said. "I haven't spoken to my mother since two days ago I didn't want to catch her on a bad time and also I've been so busy with filming. I am actually going home for dinner on Sunday so we would have meet then" She replied. "You must be very happy to be back home how is Lu Chan Ming did you must be back together last I heard you were thinking of getting married" She continued. "We broke up" he said smiling bitterly. "Oh I had no idea. I'm sorry for bringing It up" she said. "it's nothing there's no way you could have known" He said. "That was Still it was insensitive of me. I apologise" she said. "It's alright, this is" he said looking at Zhou Jianyu. "Oh my bad, Elder brother Shirong my boyfriend Zhou Jianyu" she said "Nice to meet you" they both said checking hands. A Ringing tone was heard and bringing out his phone from his suit pocket Zhao Shirong said with a smile "I have to go, the two of you must be on a date. I wouldn't keep you guys" he said giving Bai Zhenzhen a side hug and answering his call began walking away. "Let's go" Bai Zhenzhen said and they resumed walking to the private room. They walked into the private room and taking their seat gave their orders and after their meals were served the waitress walked out giving them some privacy. A few minutes in Bai Zhenzhen broke the heavy silence "You aren't going to ask me who it was". "I believe you will tell me at your own time" he replied receiving a smile from her "You seamed close" he continued a few minutes later. "We did, well you can say that. His my Eldest cousin" She said looking up to see his shocked expression. "His father is my mother's Elder brother, judging from your expression you must know who he is" she said smiling. "I do but I had no idea you were related" he replied. "My mother is Zhao Nuying the youngest daughter of old Master Zhao and old madam Zhao. She was disowned by the Zhao family when she married my father, we haven't been in contact with the Zhao family until twelve years ago when My mother's twin elder brother died and we attended the burial. By then my grandparents had gotten older and maybe wiser, they began trying to make it up to us. Not that that can be achieved easily we had already gotten used to it being just us and mum. My mum keeps in touch and I talk to then once in a while my brother on the other hand doesn't want anything to do with them. My father and my brother were close you see and my brother had always been very protective of us" She said. "I heard that the Zhao family had two daughters but I have only ever heard of one Zhao Mei the Eldest madam of the Jung family" He said. "It's been so long that not many people remember my mum. Old madam Zhao my grandmother was so disappointed with my mother that she ordered her name removed from the family register and that no one mentioned her name. My mither was chased out of the family house. My parents had to leave S city while my mum was pregnant with me. She didn't even come to visit when I or Bai Liu were born. My mother and Grandmother's relationship has been strained since then. My uncles and aunt on the other had always kept in touch hence I and Elder brother Shirong's close relationship" she said smiling sadly. "I don't know what to say" he said making her laugh. "well that's a first. Don't worry eat up. I'm now at peace with everything" She said puting a piece of meat in his plate.

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