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"What's taking you so long Fei'er" Zhenzhen said from her seat infront of the changing room. They had been shopping since lunch well mostly Fei'er who seems to have gone into a shopping spree. it would seem that she really missed the shops in B city.

Bai Zhenzhen didn't get recognized but Fei'er did. "it doesn't fit Zhenzhen, the zip can't go any further" Fei'er said from the dressing room. "Hey Fei'er it can't be that you added some weight now can it. wow you're really something. Other people lose weight when they go on tour but in your case the reverse is the case" She flashed a smile to the salesgirl standing next to her who seam to stiffen a laugh. "ok I give up, wow that was tight" she walked out of the dressing room and handed the gown over to the salesgirl, who accepted the gown with a smile and walked away most definitely to return it to it's original position. Still smiling Shen Fei'er turned over to second sales girls standing at her left and said "please can I get it at the size at a bigger size thank you". The Sales girl nodded and walked away. "seen as the dog manager isn't breathing down your back you most definitely haven't informed him of the role elder brother got you" She said accepting the iced coffee Bai Zhenzhen handed over to her. "I don't intend to not until I've signed the contract. I don't trust him since  he always give out my roles to other artists"

"Zhenzhen has finally gotten smarter as a meaning I guess twice bitten twice shy you've been following me all through the shows were you still haven't gotten anything haha I'll help you choose a gown my treat now your phone is acting really hard to look the part" Fei'er stood and walked over to a rack of clothes, Sorting through the man picking out a bright yellow gown followed by a red coloured gown.

"this to look good but I don't know which one looks better so why don't you try them both out and we decide which is better. It will be my treat"

"you don't need to do this. these gowns are pretty expensive.  I haven't been out public for while so I doubt anybody will notice if I repeat a few clothes"

"they won't but I will. Zhenzhen with the way things are going I have a feeling things are finally turning around in your favour. So go try out the gowns. Now all that remains as some heels to go with the gowns, these will do" She picked out two pair of shoes and handed the gowns and shoes over to her. Before turning her around pushed her towards the dressing room. A few minutes later Bai Zhenzhen walked out dressed in a yellow knee length checkered gown. "wow you look so pretty" Fei'er covered her open mouth with her hands. Bai Zhenzhen always looked pretty in everything she wore. She hadn't gotten any work for two years now saw Zhenzhen hadn't dressed up recently so seeing her looking so cheerful and pretty really brought real tears to her eyes. Zhenzhen walked over to the mirror to see such a beautiful girl. She felt so giddy, it had been a while since she dressed up. She had gotten so used to dressing casually forgot what it felt like to be all dressed up. "go try out the other gown" Fei'er said after taking a picture of her in the ground. Zhenzhen went back into the dressing room and after removing the Yellow gown, tried on the other one. After getting dressed she walked out of the gown dressed in a boat neck pepper red figure hugging short gown and pepper red pencil heels. Which left them all speechless. "Okey we're buying them both and the gown" Fei'er raised up her phone and began snapping some photos.  They checked out after Zhenzhen took off the clothes and put on her own clothes. They were headed to a restaurant around the corner when Shen Fei'er was approached by her fans. While Fei'er attended to her fans signing autographs and taking pictures. Zhenzhen began looking around when a jewelry set on display caught her attention. She was so focused on the jewelry set that she didn't notice that she had walked closer and was bent over looking through the display. "Do you like this piece" a melodic male voice said pulling her back to reality. She stiffened and stood turning to face the stranger with the melodic voice. "Am sorry to startle you, it's just the you seamed so enthralled by this piece" the Stranger that isn't that much of a stranger considering that the had already met in a manner of speaking said.  "Oh you again" She said smiling shyly. "We meet again, how have you been I hope you haven't been knocking into anyone else" He said catching her eyes. He truly looked very Angelic, like he was sculpt from glass. Even his eye sparkle. She thought smiling sheepishly.

"He never thought he would meet  his delicate Swan princess again and infront of his Friends shop at that. He had fallen deeply in love with her when they first met and had been disappointed not to have talked to her back then. it was a good thing that he'd finally remedied that or so he thought when his assistant Xiaobo ran up to him and said. "Madam is waiting upstairs for you sir".

"You seem busy, I'll let you go" Zhenzhen said walking quickly away.

"wait__" he said but she was too far away to hear him. "Until we meet again Bai Zhenzhen"  He followed his assistant away walking up the mall.

"Who was the tall handsome man you were talking to? Fei'er said as she got closer. "His back was turned to you how could you possibly tell that he was handsome." Zhenzhen said skeptically. " His back view is handsome, plus he feels handsome to me. Thanks though for proving me right" Fei'er said smiling and wagging her eye brows. Sighing in Exasperation She said "Let's go" dragging Fei'er forward. "So who is the Handsome stranger that has you blushing" Fei'er said as Zhenzhen dragged her forward by her hand totally ignoring her, She was just feeling gossipy.

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