18 | ruining thunders

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"Are we sure about this?"



Lucy scoffed when Julia and Judy answered at the same time. She took a deep breath before speaking to the phone again, "Alright, I'm heading inside." And then turned the phone off.

Days had passed by, it was already the TGIF. And she knew, that one of the places Yeonjun would be at this hour us his territory, he's at his underground place.

She walked inside the coffee shop that had few costumers doing their business, she quickly came near the counter and smirked, she whispered to the middle aged man. "Zeus."

The man gave a small nod and raised his brows. That was her cue, she spun herself and walked outside to go to the bathroom stall at the side, she knocked two times and a good looking boy opened it with a smile that could melt. Lucy furrowed her brows, he looked really friendly while guiding her inside a cubicle.

She just shrugged it off and waited for him to do something, the boy kicked the toilet bowl, resulting to it to move at the side. Lucy snickered when the bowl moved aside and then showed a long stairs. She was reminded of the meeting room the system acquired for their house.

The boy marched down and left her, she smirked then marched down after him, the bowl moving back to its place. She found herself giggling when he led her to a big arena, there was a chandelier lighting up the whole area, bar at it's edges, and the big room was designed with gold and silver. 

She huffed, their were two boys fighting in the middle and other people were at the side, some were seated and some were at the side cheering. It really is underground. She scanned the sea of people, most of them looked liked college mixed with with high school students, a third of them are girls. Lucy just walked towards the center, watching the battle.

A blonde boy was being held down by a boy who looked younger, he was punching him again and again with a smirk. Everyone was cheering for him, making Lucy scoff in disgust. So kids like to watch violence, hm, how about they fucking join that district? Let's see if they'll still like it.

She shook her head, no, don't think about it, she mumbled and looked away— Just to see three girls come her way with a wine glass in their hands. Lucy furrowed her brows, so this place is also luxurious? Scoffing at the thought as she haven't gone to a battle place that was as fancy as this.

Lucy didn't mind the girls, instead, she roamed her eyes to look for her mission. She tilted her head to look at the other side but got stopped when a girl's head appeared out of nowhere. Right eyebrow raised, her hair put in the side, red make up put on her golden skin, and long beads of diamonds scattered on her body, her red shirt matched her black and red army pants with her boots.

After checking the girl out, Lucy looks up to meet her daring eyes, piercing thru her soul. "Who are you?" The girl asks, her voice echoed, catching the attention of the people around them. Lucy smirks, "Yeji. And you?"

The girl returned the smirk and moved forwards with the clicking sounds of her shoes, she bent down to face Lucy, who became confused when the ongoing battle at the middle stopped. Everyone was watching the very steps of the girl infront of her, she had no idea what was really happening but hid it deep into the depths of her mind. She wasn't scared, she will never be.

"Heri Hwang. Oh little girl, I guess you're knew here, you don't recognize your Liege." She whispers before reaching for Lucy's tied hair, Heri pulled her hair up, making her adjust to her own height. Lucy was already tall, but Heri was taller, plus her boots made her look like a giant with Lucy.

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