49 | so long

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PS. I do not take requests for what couple or who should be in a chap, this book is planned from the start and I made it that way so I can hopefully show how the stories are processing. Also the pair's chap are publised accordingly to the date, so please don't expect me to follow the soolia-yeonji-beomryu-taeryeong-yunkai order bcs it's not like that and sometimes a chap for the girls come in between the other pair's chap ahdhshs

so summarizing what i said, I will not take requests from the comment of what pair should be for the next chaps and so on


⚠️: mention of sex

⚠️: mention of sex

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Julia bit her lip and heaved a sigh after seeing the red dot that indicated Soobin's location. The bar was located on a 30 minute drive place from the subdivision, and it was only 4 am in the morning. After Kai left, she was immediate to check up on him; and yes, it was his car that was parked after Kai's. She knows very well that there wasn't anything wrong.

First of all, he couldn't have eavesdropped what they were talking inside because the gates were close and the walls are sound-proof. And second of all, there's nothing suspicious of Kai leaving the place... So why the hell isn't he texting back?

She called him for once, he answered yet he wasn't responding, it was just Ariana's Into You blasting on the radio. It lasted for a good one minute before Soobin hung it up. She wanted to call him again but refrained from doing so, she was afraid he'd be distracted while driving. Yet it has been an hour that he reached the place and he still hasn't texted back. The sun still hasn't rose and yet she doesn't feel sleepy at all.

She knows it was normal for him to go clubbing, but she couldn't even sit still now. He promised me he wouldn't do that in public places, so what is he even doing there? Groaning at her own thoughts, she sighed and decided to pull out her car keys, now decided to follow him; she planned not to be seen but would just see and check on what he was doing. She changed into a sleeved-less top and a skirt, she was confused on whether she would just catch on cab or drive, she was never a good driver no matter what training they did.

At the end, she finally made up her mind and opened the car door, hoping for a miracle that she wouldn't crash it. The 30-minute ride wasn't pleasing at is, thankfully, the road was still silent and peaceful. The red light stopped her car, she purses her lips and glances on her phone when she remembered the conversation she had with Joanne awhile ago.

"You think I can go through this, Julia?"

"... You're really asking me that?"

"Yeah. Because if I'd ask Judy, she'd nag me to hell and exaggerate what will happen, and Lucy would probably just lie to me to keep my head up high... Hussey doesn't even care."

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