38 | closed doors

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A/N: This is a deeper version of YunKai's pride chapter, belittling someone just because you don't think alike isn't good, folks! Remember to place your attitude in the right place. Enjoy reading! <3

"Goodmorning!" Judy's cheery greeting made Taehyun, Mijoo, and Joongki flinch in place. Their heads turned to the door at the same, where the smiling girl with her leggings and a grey jersey shirt stood, her long hair was just laying behind her, some strands falling infront of her face.

Taehyun blinked abruptly, he could sense Mijoo glancing at him yet he ignored. He was about to speak when Joongki did first, "Morning, Chae! You fine now?" The latter asked, stepping forward to meet Judy.

She smiled at him, "Yeah.. I'm sorry about yesterday." She says, her soft voice ringing on their ears. Joongki shook his head, "It's fine! You can't focus on this alone.. And you can catch up fast, since you've got great skills." He calmly says, not taking his eyes off at her.

The two chatted on the middle of the practice room while Mijoo and Taehyun sat in silence on one corner, their sharp gazes never left and were continuously sighing. "Talk to her, dimwit!" Mijoo roared in a low voice, the boy beside her shrugged and looked away to remove his sight from the two.

Fuck. He thought, his head turned and looked every corner yet he just could see them because of the mirrors. He pouted and looked down, hoping to erase and lessen the heavy feeling inside him.

"Joo, we have to go!" His head shot up fast as Mijoo said that, his eyes widened seeing how Joongki got dragged out with her, in result, Joongki had to shout a goodbye to Judy while she waved her hand with a smile.

Taehyun watched how she softly and slowly put down her waving hand, her smiled faded that turned into a grim line as she blankly stare at the door. He could hear her sigh and walk to where he was, her eyes spoke void, nothing to see nor feel, she silently sat beside him and settled her things.

His breath hitched, trying to stop his breathing. He could feel an awkward tension surrounding them as he tried to smile widely at her— yet she won't even look at him, she sat there, staring into the mirror with a blank expression.

He gulped when the unfamiliar feeling spread with in him, the same thing he felt when she caught him hugging Mijoo. He felt the need to speak and explain to her.. but he just couldn't.. because first, he told her to not meddle with his life, second, he can still feel the stinging pain remembering how she pointed out his faults, and third, he's still not okay about her not informing him about the day before.

He sighed and looked at the girl in the mirror beside him, his mouth made it's way to smile seeing her with her eyes closed, she looked like she was sleeping. The grin became wider as his eyes scan her face, it's peaceful to see, she's always peaceful to see.

Taehyun took the time to stare at her in the mirror, his head thrown back as he gazes at it so deeply. He felt sleepy seeing her asleep yet the loud thumping inside him kept him awake. He then pursed his lips, glancing at her in that angle. Her side profile says so much about her, her sweetness, her brilliance, and how her mind works. It works deep, just like her endless beauty.

For him, she was like a clear view of life, a more comfortable and easier path to take, a light that glowed brightly— showing the dark path ahead of him. Yet, she was also a deep bottomless pit he's afraid to fall too, because he knows that when he will, he'll fall over and over again, prolonging a joy that would make him scared, will I break soon? Or will I keep on falling?

He sighed. He shook his head to erase such thoughts, it was too fast for him to even process or agree to. His eyes fell down to her arms, there was a mint-green watch around her left hand, it shone. His forehead creased, trying to remember where he had seen it. It's so fucking familiar. He thought, biting his lower lip to think harder.

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