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A/N: Hello Everyone! How are y'all? <3
Anyways here's an update!!! Hope you'll have a good April! <3

"Now what?" Taehyun asked, manspreading in the faraway bench that minimized the noise from the showcase that was still on-going

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"Now what?" Taehyun asked, manspreading in the faraway bench that minimized the noise from the showcase that was still on-going. And the way he was not at par with hiding emotions, he looked very grumpy from the outside with the frown etched on his face.

Judy silently stood beside his Father, immediately knowing where this was going. She maintained her unfazed expression even though she was freaking out, Din jävla idiot! I slipped! She couldn't stop but curse in another language out of frustration, she knew it was her fault that her cover got busted.

Mr. Kang has been sighing and she noticed the frequent glances at her, he looked unsure of what to do. "What? Are we playing the guessing game here?" Taehyun hissed.  With the frustration Judy felt right now, Taehyun being impatient and angry didn't help, she wanted to smack his face and she wouldn't regret it a single ounce.

The old man pursed his lips before saying, "First, before we explain what's happening here, I need you to promise that you're gonna keep quiet about all of this." He said in a rather serious tone that Taehyun haven't heard of ever since, his Father always talked to him in a hushed and careful tone, he was surprised to see that again.

"What do you mean? Do I look like someone who tells everyone about their tragic stories?" He blurted out in a sarcastic manner. Judy couldn't stop but glance at him with creased forehead, Did he forget he told me about his dead friend?

Taehyun blinks before sighing. "Fine. Okay. I won't. Just tell me why a certain stranger knows more about our Family than I do." His gaze shifted to Judy in which he gave a glare, he couldn't even point out the confusion he feels right now, he feels so out of character for being so silent, ready to hear everything his Father says.

Mr. Kang fixed his tie and glanced at the girl again, "This is AGENT 0605, I hired her to protect you." He simply said, trying his best to not explain further to keep their anonimity. Taehyun felt the continous bang on his head, the throbbing feeling made his head dizzy but he continued. "Protect me for what?!"

"You've been receiving death threats these past years, Taehyun. Do you remember... Jirou?" Mr. Kang asks, the familiar name ringing inside Taehyun's head remembering his old friend.

"..What about Jirou?"

"You know how it was concluded that he was killed by a drunkard, I thought it was suspicious and had a private invistigator look through it. And after searching, it was confirmed that he was  intentionally killed after denying that he knew your pad address..." Mr. Kang explained calmly.

Taehyun's head hung low at the revelation, he was now heaving and he couldn't look straight to his Father's eyes. Jirou... died becausr of that. He mumbled as he remembered the dogtag he gave.

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