25 | the first one

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Joanne almost slapped herself to wake herself up. What happened that made her sleepy? Tuesday did. Their Professor just talked about history and Joanne wanted to run away. Atleast make it fun when you teach! She ranted.

"Alright. The class is about to end, and I've already marked your papers from Yesterday's quiz." The old man announced as he takes out a pile of papers, Joanne creased her forehead. We took a test Yesterday?! Wow. I forgot about that part. She thought and shrugged it off. She watched as the Professor call Beomgyu to distribute it.

Joanne bit the inside of her cheeks to stop herself from grinning. She remembered that Friday night where chaos had happened. It was really fun for her, how she saw and knew teeny new things from the latter, how he was flustered by her weird questions. She puffed her cheeks out, that night was meant for their project, but it resulted to an every minute argue and debate about weird topics.

Atleast we enjoyed it, didn't we?

Joanne raised her head to meet Beomgyu's gaze, he handed her paper with his typical blank-monotone face. She wanted to tease him but he immediately turned himself and walked away. She found it somewhat odd but shrugged it off. A week of observing, he has always been like that. She thought but furrowed her brows when she saw Beomgyu talking to a batch mate when he was giving her paper, he was even giving a small smile!

Joanne scowled at herself and gave her attention at the paper. Her eyes widened seeing a perfect score. I didn't even remember we had this test. She huffs and watches as their Professor dismiss the class. She fixed her things slowly and glanced at Beomgyu, expecting him to sit and wait for the others to go out just like what he does those last days. But was caught off guard when she sees him almost out of the room, she hastily fixes her things to run after him.

"Beom!" She called out seeing him on the corridors, the called latter didn't stop and carried on walking. Joanne got confused and ran after him to smack his head, "Hey!" Beomgyu groaned and glared at the smirking girl beside him. He was surprised to see her catch up that fast! She wasn't even panting!

Beomgyu immediately removed those unnecessary thoughts and started to walk again, making Joanne feel confused but follow him. "Beomgyu! Yadong watcher!" She called which made Beomgyu stop his tracks and widen his eyes to her, "Stop calling me that!"

Joanne grinned. "You ignored me!" She exclaims and smirked, "yadong watcher." His blood boiled, and a fuming mad Beomgyu always satisfy a teasing Joanne. "What do you want?!" He irritatingly asks, making Joanne giggle  "Calm down! I was just gonna ask about our project? When am I gonna go—"

"Stop right there. I'll do our project alone, and that's final." Beomgyu glares at her and fastens his pace, yet she caught up so easily. It's Joanne after all. "I won't let you! I'll report you to the Professor!" She argued which made Beomgyu sigh in frustration.

"Don't you worry! I'll put your credit! Now will you please leave me alone?!" He irritatingly asks, "That's why you're helping, anyways! For the credit! So stop it and I'll put your name in it too!" He sarcastically says. That made Joanne stop her tracks, something is definitely wrong.

She pulled Beomgyu's shirt back that made him stop from walking. "What is wrong with you?!" She asks, now slowly feeling annoyed. Beomgyu looks so pissed and he's acting as if she stole his candy!

"You're holding me back!" Beomgyu rants which made Joanne hiss. "Ofcourse I am! You're not talking to me!" She rants out. Beomgyu sighs and turns to her, his eyes burning in anger. "Literally and Academically! We could've finish that damn project if you weren't such a  busybody, and I could've perfected our test!" He vents out, Joanne flinched at the sudden outburst.

"So it's my fault?! You wanted to memorize the whole English vocabulary!"

"Oh please! If all we know you just wanted to distract me! You just wanted to get ahead of me! You wanted to be top!"

"What the hell are you saying?! I don't want that and neither to do I want to put myself first!"

"Your perfect scores say otherwise!" Joanne stopped moving, her eyes widened. She scoffed in disbelief, "Just because of that? You think I want to top? Just because of that small reason?!" She roared, now angry. Beomgyu looked away.

"What the fuck, Beomgyu?! You don't want me to do the project with you because you think I'm stealing your place on the list?! Too fucking shallow!" She hissed. Beomgyu bit his lower lip.

"And what if that happens then?! You'll treat me as your rival?! You'll dirty my name to the Professors?! You'll try your best to ruin my image?! What the fuck?! You'll ask your Father to get rid of me?! We're not on some fucking movie, Beomgyu!" She shouted, her words hitting him on and on.

"Why are you acting like you'll die when you lose the spot... why are you so shallow?! Why do you think so low of me?! After all that.. I thought you trusted me." Her voice decreased but she still looked so angry, so pissed at the thought.

"It's not shallow." Beomgyu murmured, making Joanne crease her forehead. "Huh?"

"My mindset is not shallow. Nor do I think of you so low. And about my spot.. I'm really gonna die if I lose that. So please, Ryujin. If you think I trusted you merely because I brought you to my house, quit thinking, I've brought so many batch mates there to study." Okay, that was a lie, she was the first one.

Joanne was panting at all her shouting, she slowly removed her hand from the hem of his shirt. She looked down. Wow. That actually hurt? Amazing! Not shallow my ass, he actually pushed me away because he thought I'm trying to mess with his studies. Fucking nerd. She thought.

Beomgyu stared at her, shallow. Was I? Or was my Father? He's the one who ordered to push her away, anyways. He took a deep breath. Whether he's right or not about Ryujin being a distraction, it doesn't matter right now. She looks like she's gonna cry any minute now. He huffed.

"Alright. I'll let you take part in the project, but you have to shut your mouth, you're always shouting for goodness sake. And we're not doing it in my house." Beomgyu declared that made Joanne look up in shock, he scoffed then smirked. "We're not doing it today, maybe tomorrow. I need to catch up and study to perfect my next exams. I'll see you tomorrow."

He suddenly patted her head then walked away that made Joanne flinch. What the fuck? That happened so fast? I was shouting then he's calm about it?! Wow. She stomps her feet in annoyance. She calmed herself, atleast she's taking part of the project, right?

She then touched her head. That was the first one, he was the first one who actually patted my head. She concludes then erases it. So what? What's special about that?! She groaned then started walking.

Meanwhile, Beomgyu was inside their car, at the backseat. He took a deep breath and smiled. This was a first one, or might actually be the only time he'll disobey his Father.  He chuckled. It feels so surreal.


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