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A/N: Hello everyone! I am back lolol shfjejd school finally ended <3 Thank you for waiting for such a long  time <3  Long chapter ahead! Enjoy reading!

A/N: Hello everyone! I am back lolol shfjejd school finally ended <3 Thank you for waiting for such a long  time <3  Long chapter ahead! Enjoy reading!

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"What is this sorcery, Agent?"

Lucy stood, head up straight with her face stoic, trying her best not to get intimidated by the man sitting on an office wheelchair, back leaned back with a familiar glaring eyes.

With his cap still on his head, he looked up high, battling the girl's gaze. "What happened? Aren't you here to protect Yeonjun?" The man asks, voice full and impactful. Lucy immediately nodded, "Yes, sir."

"Are you sure? It looked like he's not going to survive another blow when he was delivered to the hospital. Are you really Agent Lucy? From Division X?" The girl could feel the intensity just from hus voice, the room felt like an interrogeration but she couldn't do anything about it.

"You are correct, sir." She answers, blatant and formal. The man's face furrowed, irritation seen in his face before giving a breathy scoff, "So you are THE Lucy. Not gonna lie, I am disappointed by RUINS, what happened to skillful and talented agents?" There was an amused ane mocking grin evident, Lucy kept her face up.

"Your Mother brag about you so much, all she does is bark yet you don't even bite." The girl bit the insides of her cheeks to stop her face from showing annoyance, she was just an agent and she needed to put up with him. Not only because he is one of the most highest officials in the military of Korea, but also because the man speaking to him was no other than Yeonjun's Father.

"The Heralds will hear about this." Mr. Choi says sharply, his gritting teeth never left unheard. Lucy calms herself, waiting for any other things the man would say or order. "Do better than this, Hwang. Do your work better, you're never gonna be the Lead if you're like this. Protect Yeonjun... sacrifice yourself if you need to. You were trained for this, you are born for this." His voice deepened every word he let out, eyes staring right straight into her soul.

Lucy almost sighed and huffed, luckily, she managed to keep it inside. "For now, leave. And don't come too close to him, it seemed like he developed a special attachment to you. Leave him alone and do your work. Dismissed." Biting her lip, she cautiously turned around and left the room.

The Choi's mansion was more vintage than any other, located on the farthest side of Soul Elite, completely covered with trees around it. Lucy knew that they intended this to keep them away from danger, especially that Colonel Choi was targetted by syndicates. She purses her lips, making her way to where Yeonjun's room was located.

She knew Colonel Choi was right, she could do better than mantaining a unique attachment with Yeonjun. She whispers few curses to herself, they were almost killed just because they were messing around the other night. Result? Witnessed a hopeless girl murdered and harrassed, Yeonjun almost getting beaten to death, and she was also almost murdered.

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