46 | gentle

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A/N: I'm back!! Dbudejdbehhee Holidays just started so here it is!! I've been crazy waiting for AOT S4 even when I know what's gonna happen lmao


(TW: Mention of drugs, rape, gun, death, blood)

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(TW: Mention of drugs, rape, gun, death, blood)

Yeonjun puts up a teasing smirk as he made his way to the Lord's room of the area, he licks his blooded lips and ruffles his hair, also ruffling his shirt on the process.

He whistles seeing Lucy's raised brows, her small grin evident in his sight, few steps just before reaching her. The other thunders squinting their eyes on them, suspicious of the obvious closeness.

"I won again."

"We're on tie now."

"Let it end tomorrow, my bet still in."

The two exchanged such confusing conversation that everyone listening were so curious and wanted to ask for context, the thunders knew that they were talking about a bet, the question was, what did they bet on? The two seemed competitive about it.

The night rambled on as they decided to leave the place after Yeonjun's last match, he was all giggly and giddy, teasing Lucy time to time that sometimes made her crack up.

With rustling sounds of the wind, the night have gotten deep and looked peaceful outside Thunders, no other people were seen as they made their way to where they parked their motorbikes.

"Don't forget the bet!" Yeonjun snorts, his eyes squinting with a dumb smirk. Lucy hisses at him, "Why are you so obsessed with it?" She rolls her eyes, a small grin in her lips.

"Can't help it!" Yeonjun shrugged at this and laughed. Lucy reaches for his ears to pinch it with a flushed face.

What were they talking about? Oh. Simple. After that make-out session, they agreed to never do it again, and that scenario somehow awakened a weak spot in Lucy that Yeonjun pulled, it made him feel comfortable seeing her off-guard and unguarded, his ego was fed so much seeing an intimidating girl weakening with his kiss.

As for Lucy, she reminds herself everyday to not make a big deal about it. It's for the operation, anyways, if it made us more comfortable with each other, why stop? I'm gonna leave soon, and he looks like he's just enjoying my company. She thinks, it isn't against the rules to do this, it's for the operation.

Yeonjun yelps a little at the pain, he holds her wrist to remove her hand and chuckled while his other hand snakes to pull her nape, crouching a little bit to kiss her. He felt her tense up at the sudden action but then relax a little while, he smiled in between, letting go and meeting her furious eyes, he touched her face and laughed loudly feeling the hotness on her cheeks.

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