CHAPTER 1: Drake

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"P-please, Alpha. Don't hurt me. I-I promise, I'll never trespass again." The rogue begged as he trembled in true terror.

"Now we both know that isn't true." I began. "You and your kind have trespassed many times before, well, attempted and you'll try again. And will that look in knowing those facts and letting you go-forgiven?! I'm soon to become the new Alpha King and if I don't send others like you a message or warning, if you will, that'll make me look weak and that's something I do not allow to happen." I grin in a sinister way.

I stand next to a few of my guys who were waiting for my order to 'teach' these rogues a lesson. So I nodded at them and they began to take care of the guys while I walked off and started to head back towards my home after hearing my Beta, Kent, mind link me, letting me know he was about to leave and needed to talk to me about something first.

When I reached the house and went inside, I was right away greeted by Kent.

"What's up?" I nodded.

"I just heard that you have left a few of the Omega's to teach some rogues a lesson?" He says with a cocked eyebrow.

"Yeah. So?" I looked at him wondering what the point was of him sounding as though he was questioning me.

"Alpha, seriously, you need to stop this behavior before it consumes you and becomes too late for to ever get rid of it." He mentions.

"What are you, my parents? Besides, I'm due to become the new Alpha King in five months. I have to prove that I am worthy of the title." I remind him while I brush past him towards the kitchen to grab a water bottle.

"Yeah but you've been getting worse. Ever since Jesika..." he started mentioning the one name I never wanted to hear ever again.

"Don't. Mention. Her. Name." I tell him through clenched teeth as I glare at him.

"I'm just saying, this isn't you. I'm worried about you." He exclaims.

I let out a breath of frustration before replying.

"I know. But just...just go do this thing and when you come back, we'll talk about it, alright?" I tell him, although we both know we won't.

"Alright." He nods in agreement before leaving to go speak with a few wolf packs that have not yet signed a treaty with my pack yet.

After he leaves, I call up Marcie-my booty call who I soon am having to ask become my Luna. Despite the fact that everybody hates her and yet, due to her parents and their reputation, she's a perfect fit. (Her parents are high in the council).

I don't love her. We both know she isn't my true mate but somehow, the Moon Goddess has stated recently that she is.

There is only one girl I have ever loved and wanted as my Luna. Everybody loves her, even my parents, despite the fact that she was a human.

Then one day, nobody knows why she left me. She was pregnant and I was excited to be a dad.

Then once we got into the that argument that day, she said she lost the baby and even called me a 'Monster'.

From that day on, I stopped believing in the whole 'mates' thing. It was bullshit and I didn't need one but of course, in order to be an Alpha King and replace my father in taking his title, I need one.

It's been nearly five years now since I had last heard or seen Jesika and during the past few years, I became exactly what she thought of me as....A Monster.

At least that's what other's claim. But it helps. As being the Alpha that I am and role I soon will be inheriting, I need to be feared.

My Beta Kent and I have been best friends, practically like brothers since the seventh grade. He does help keep me calm and collected at times and although I do believe there is some truth to what he just said about me, but I just can't think of her.

She's gone. Moved on. Probably is married to another human.

Fuck now I'm pissed. But worse than that, I'm starting to feel that damn pain in my chest as if it's being ripped out all over again.

I then hurry and message Marcie to come on Saturday very and help make me feel better.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

I know it's a shorter chapter than my usual ones, especially for the first chapter but, the others will be longer and hope you like this story. It will be very interesting and I think you will all love it!! :):) Hope you give it a chance.

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