CHAPTER 24: Jesika

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This was it. This was the moment his mother had the chance to finally come clean about everything. It also was the moment that Drake would need to decide between his parents or Dominic and I.

He couldn't have both. That amount of toxicity was unbearable and unnecessary for our son to be around.

Of course to no surprise to me, she wanted to play dumb. So I took the liberty of telling what happened.

"Since your mother is too cowardly to tell you, I will. That day when I told you what I did in that I needed to leave you. I had a choice. Your mother told me that the only way we could possibly be together was if I killed our son. I abort him. So I chose to keep him. Then she told me if I were to ever come near you again, she would kill Dominic and then sell me to a wolf family to become their servant or play toy." I said with disgust and anger while looking at her.

Then I shook my head and held it up high while also ignoring her glare.

"So, now the truth is out. Not that it matters now because you apparently were never going to be mine. Your mother would never allow it." I say.

His mother begins to grin at me then clap her hands.

"Bravo. That is quite the accusation." She says sarcastically. "Unfortunately, that's not what happened at all." She begins.

I could see how Drake was shocked at what he was hearing and confused at the same time.

"You don't scare me at all." I snapped at her before looking at Drake again. "And as for you, you have a choice to make. Me, or your awful and disgraceful mother?!" I give him the option.

I know it is harsh but seriously, I can't pretend anymore like nothing happened that day, not to mention last night when she mentioned I would never marry her son and she would be sure of it.

Maybe this was unfair and maybe I should cut him some slack for not answering right away since I just sprung all this on him but at the same time, there shouldn't be any hesitation. Then we hear him say something.

"This can't be true." Drake tells his mother while looking at her in disbelief.

"Of course it's not." His mother continued denying.

"It is." We all looked behind her at the front door and saw his father standing in the doorway.

"Dad?" Drake says.

"I'm sorry son. I have felt guilty ever since that day. I never...." His dad started and then Karol interrupted him.

"Hush!" She snaps at him.

"Oh come off it Karol. What you did was wrong and you know it." He snaps back at her as she looks surprised at him for snapping back.

Next he whips his head at Marcie and her family who have been standing here watching this all unfold in front of them with great pleasure it seemed.

"And as for you..." His father began as he stomped up towards the father. "I told you before to stay away from my family. You and your daughter have no place here. My son rejected your daughter and is with his true mate. As the Alpha King, I am ordering you off the premises of my territory along with this state. You may NEVER return. Any of you." He says.

"We will see about what the Council has to say." Marcie's father smirks.

"They know. In fact here is a signed agreement to ban you and your entirely family from ever entering here or coming near any members of my family again. And if you do, the consequences will be fatal." He threatens them as he hands them the rolled up piece of paper.

The father looks straight in Drake's dad's eyes and right as it seems as though they might fight, he suddenly seems to look a little scared out of nowhere.

They then finally leave and his father looks at us again.

"Son, why don't you take your son and mate upstairs while I have a talk with your mother." He says.

Then the next thing I felt was my bag fall out of my hand and replaced instantly with Drake's while he held my bag in his other hand.

I look at him feeling relieved and smile as I was worried a little bit in him choosing his parents. We all three then head upstairs and have Dominic play some videos on his iPad and with headphones on so he wouldn't hear us talk.

"I'm sorry baby." Drake holds me tightly.

I hold him back and just let the happy tears fall from my eyes.

"It's okay." I cry. "I should have stood up to her then but, when she threatened to hurt our son, I just got scared and thought the best thing I could do was to leave." I confess.

"I don't blame you. But I promise you that no matter what, from this moment on, things will be different." He assures me then leans in to give me a kiss.

When we pull apart, we start to hear both his parents arguing with each other and the next thing we hear are a couple of growls then the loud cracking of them both shifting.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :):)

So the part where Jesika mentions about the conversation with the mother, that conversation will be in the full version when the book is published. :):)

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