CHAPTER 21: Drake

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That fucking whore of a sister, Merrill. I can't believe that she fucking was there then told Jesika about Marcie when I mind linked her the moment I noticed her standing a couple feet away from us and I warned her not to say anything but just like her sister of course, couldn't keep her mouth shut.

The entire car ride back home was awkward and silent and then once we got back to the house, she went to sleep in Dominic's room while I lost sleep that night.

It has been a few days since we went on the date and only when in front of Dominic does she talk to me and try to be nice and act like things are okay with us but I could tell that Dominic knows better. He is very wise for his age.

Today, Dominic had suggested him, me, Kent and her play a board game together. So we had him pick it out while both my parents had gone out to see the Council.

He ended up picking out the game 'Trouble'. It is a game that has a cardboard material type of board that has slots and 2-4 players can play. There's a pop-o-matic in the center of the board that has a dice in it and depending on what number you get, you move the pegs that many spaces until you get all four into the 'home' slots before anyone else does with theirs and then you win.

So we all started playing and it was hard for me to concentrate when my wolf and I couldn't stop thinking about her.

Throughout the game, things seemed a little bit awkward and then after we played another round, Dominic asked Kent if he'd take him down the street to the park to play for a bit.

After they leave, I look at Jesika who takes a quick look at me before turning away quickly and starts putting up the game.

"Please Jesika. Hear me out." I start to ask her.

"Why? I mean, I guess on one hand I can't entirely be upset with you because of the fact that we weren't together at the time and you didn't know you would ever see me again." She stops herself and both my wolf and I can feel her pain before she starts fighting back tears and continuing.

"But then there's this other part of me that was hoping you were hurting as much as I was. Or even missing me as much as I did you. So it just hurts." She says and then wipes some tears away and gets up to start putting the game away back onto the shelf in the hall closet where at the top we keep the rest of the games at.

When she turns around, I am already right there now in front of her, close enough to cause her to back up against the closet door.

"It took me so long to try and forget about you, but I never could. Even though I had made a mistake and it's one I regret more than anything, I always saw your face. Always longed for your presence." I begin telling her as I lean forward and say closer to her lips to where I can feel her breath on mine then look into her eyes before I continued.

"I have loved you forever and am so sorry I ever hurt you. A part of me and my wolf had died the day you left. And I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you, I promise." I finish telling her.

She's quiet for a moment and then I hear her finally reply.

"Just promise me you'll never hurt me, especially like that. Because I can't lose you again and survive it this time." She tears up more until I notice some tears fall from her eyes and she looks down while I gently place my hand in the side of her face and gently rub her face while wiping tears from her eyes with my thumb then lifting her chin up to again look into my eyes.

"I give you my word. You are my mate. I have always and WILL always love you." I assure her. "You are it for me. Fate has brought us together and I will NOT ever let you go." I tell her.

She nods her head and then we start to kiss each other while we wrap our arms around each other and then as the kiss deepens, we next start to take each other's clothes off as we continue making out then quickly move onto the couch and we make love to each other.

Thankfully we end up finishing, cuddling for a little while before getting dressed then moments later, Beta Kent and Dominic return from the park.

I truly do love her and need to make sure Merrill isn't a bitch and tells Marcie because I am not sure in how she will take it. Though I more worry about in what she is capable of doing and Jesika also hasn't met her wolf yet, so if there ever were a fight between them, I would have to kill Merrill since it wouldn't be a fair fight in the first place.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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