CHAPTER 15: Drake

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I was real upset mostly at Watson because he is a huge player and hits on anything that has tits.

Then when he made her blush, I nearly lost it and is why I snapped at him.

I knew he meant nothing by it and really didn't know she was mine which I guess was what made me more pissed off because of the fact I haven't marked her yet that will let everybody know she was mine.

So I hurried and got cleaned up, checked in on Dominic who seemed to be sleeping peacefully and deeply before heading back downstairs for dinner.

Watson had apologized and I decided to let it go but in the back of my head, I reminded myself at how he isn't too good at controlling himself. Though he sure as hell better learn real fast because during dinner he seemed to hit in her again and I was about to ruin a perfectly good relationship.

I try and tell myself that maybe he doesn't realize he is and that maybe Jesika is right, in the fact that I should be more TRUSTING of her and showing her that I am by not assuming anything.

Several minutes into the dinner, Watson had started bringing up stories from how we had become good friends and some things were embarrassing but it was all good when those moments made my Luna laugh. 

Throughout the dinner, things seemed to go good and it was really good to see Watson again. After dinner, Kent, Watson and I went into the office to discuss a few things. 

"Congrats man, on getting your mate back." Watson smiles. 

"Thanks." I replied. "So, about the real reason you're here." I began. 

"I've come to let you know that there's a certain Alpha that has been rumored to be telling others that he's coming for you." He says all serious now. 

"And who is this Alpha exactly?" I asked. 

"'s Jolton." He exclaims. 

"What?!" I exclaimed as I stood up out from my chair abruptly slamming both hands hard onto the desk and causing everybody to jump. 

"I didn't believe it at first but the resources I heard this from are legit. I don't know how he ever got out. But...." He stops himself. 

"But what?" I asked trying to control myself from yelling and punching holes into the walls. 

"I heard that he's made a deal with a rogue who happens to also be trying to recruit young ones-humans, to become hybrids." He states. 

"What? But that'll never work. It's far too dangerous to go about it in that way. It only works out when the other is your mate. Which is why what they're doing would take us back to days before the law on banishing that technique was made." I tell him. 

"Yes well...we ARE talking about a Rogue and Jolton." Watson points out. 

"Have you told the council yet?" My Beta Kent asks him. 

"No." He says. 

We all sit there in silence before I eventually break it. 

"I'll try to get a hold of my parents to see if they can return sooner. Then they can decide what we should do." I replied. 

He nods his head in agreement before getting up and gets ready to leave. Before he heads back to his house, I make sure that him and Kent know and understand that everything we had just talked about stays between us until I said otherwise. 

They both had agreed and after Watson left, Kent and I stood there in the office still in disbelief at what we had just heard. 

"I hate to even bring this up Alpha, but how long before you mark Jesika and make you both officially mates?!" He asks me. 

"I don't know. I know that it has to be soon." I reply. 

"Well, the sooner the better. Then that way we can train her just in case." He mentions. 

"Yeah." I replied with a nod. 

I need to get a hold of my parents and see what a good idea should be in how I should approach this, since for these kinds of decisions can only be made by the Alpha King and the Queen. 

After he left and Kent went to bed I next headed up towards the bedroom and as I walked inside, closing the door behind me I couldn't stop but look Jesika up and down as I noticed she was slightly bent over with a leg propped up on a chair by the window, putting some lotion on. 

"Mm, you look so hot." I comment. 

She turns around and smiles as she blushes. 

"Thanks." She tells me. 

I start to walk up towards her and all my wolf and I want to do right now is tear off that night gown and make her sore to where she can't walk right for a while. 

Then once I get close enough to hold the side of her face and we look into each other's eyes, I find myself coming right out and saying it. 

"Please let me make you my Luna indefinitely." I tell her. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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