CHAPTER 5: Drake

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Things have been getting crazier by the minute but was glad that they did after Kent returned because he is my Beta and best friend, things are always better when he is here and helps me out.

Today, after we finished up with an important meeting, we were all headed back towards the house to have a big dinner my mother had cooked when I noticed on our way towards the car, Kent stopped dead in his tracks as his phone went off and he pulled it out and looked down at it.

"Hey!" He answers. "What?! Do you know who it was?! Fuck! Alright, tell her I'll be there tomorrow morning. Alright, good....later." He finishes. Then after he hangs up he seems worried about whatever that call was about.

"What was that all about?" I asked him.

"Uh, I'll tell you when we get back to the house." He states.

"Okayyy..." I replied not sure in why he couldn't tell me now.

We then get in the car and make our way back towards the house.

Before we start eating, I have him and I head into the office and lock the door shut behind us.

"Alright, we're back now. What's the deal?!" I ask him.

He seemed hesitant and more nervous than I have seen him in a long time.

"I need for you to hear me out before you react." He begins.

"That's a stupid request. Just say it." I tell him as I sit down in the edge of my desk crossing my arms over my chest.

He then let's out a breath before beginning to tell me.

"You know that assignment you had me go on a few weeks back? Well, I saw somebody. I ran into them. I didn't tell you neither because I promised I wouldn't say anything. Fuck it...Look, I ran into Jesika." He finally gets out.

I am shocked. I am frozen. There is no way he is talking about the same Jesika I am thinking about.

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked to try and see if maybe he was talking about somebody else possibly.

"I saw Jesika. We talked for a little while and  caught up with each other a little bit." He finishes.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Was he for real?! Why the fuck didn't he tell me?!?

"Hold up! You're not talking about Jesika meaning MY Jesika, right?" I ask, still in disbelief.

"Yes, your Jesika." He says.

I am trying to calm myself down internally and keep myself from throttling him for lying to me.

"How could you lie to me? Especially about her?!" I ask him through clenched teeth while clenching my fists.

"I know Alpha but, I will explain everything later. Besides, she wanted to tell you eventually." He states.

"Yeah, sure. She hasn't tried contacting me in years and just..." I stopped myself as I stood up off the table and walked behind the desk then slammed my hands onto the desk top.

"Alpha, please! I can tell you more about it later but, right now I need to go and see her." He begins.

"What? Are you fucking serious right now? You've been seeing my girl behind my back and now you're gonna take off to go and see her? Are you doing anything with her?!" I asked almost in a growling manner.

"Fuck no Alpha! Bro, I'd never do that to you. Look, I may have kept it from you but right now you need to take In a deep breath and relax the fuck out! And I have to go see her because the people I have had watch over her since I saw her who also live next door to her, have said that she was attacked." He finishes.

"Attacked?" I asked.

Just then and there, my heart dropped to the bottom of my stomach. Who the fuck would have the guts to go after my girl?! Whoever they are they are fucking DEAD!!

"I'm going with you." I start telling him.

"Alpha, I promised her...." He starts to try and tell me 'no' but yeah, that's not happening.

"I'm going! Don't tell her I am coming then. I don't care either way. But I do care about going with you to go and get her. Then we are to bring her here! Understood?!" I tell him with finality.

"But Alpha..." He starts protesting again until I stop him. 

"I said, I am going." I tell him again through clenched teeth and we next begin making our way towards the car and start heading down towards the airport to take a plane there and then rent some cars to drive us back later and had a couple of my Omega's come join us as well.

I don't care if she wanted me to keep away the fact that she was alive and that they saw each other for who knows how long. I mean, I know he says from this last time but my gut and my wolf are saying that it was more than just a few times they have seen each other.

However, as of right now, I can't think about any of that. Just going to get my girl.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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