CHAPTER 7: Drake

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I was tired of waiting and after Kent mind linked me telling me that she was being more difficult than he had anticipated, I nearly lost it. She has no idea the amount of danger she is in right now and how serious this all is.

So that's when I got out of the car, despite Kent trying to tell me not to come and the moment I entered, that scent I had missed. The one I had given my heart to and never thought I would see again after then breaking my heart. She was just several feet away.

She still looked beautiful. But I can't think of that right now. Then before I could say anything, I noticed out the corner of my eye a little boy come running up towards me and the moment I looked at him and into his eyes, I can't explain it.

The moment I saw him I knew that he was mine. I had a son. I instantly got a feeling and then he mind linked me.

So many emotions and feelings were running through me and the thoughts in my mind were overwhelming but not in a bad way necessarily.

Then I stood up, still holding him and we seemed to hug each other as if we have known one another always. Then it hit me, she lied. She was pregnant and she never told me. Which is why I am glaring at her now.

Right away I notice she is trying to hide her fear and is avoiding eye contact as well as trying to be all brave but this was fucked up.
To keep my son away from me all this time?!

"Kent, take Dominic upstairs and pack his things up. I need to have a talk with Jesika here." I tell him as I put Dominic down while not breaking eye contact with Jesika and neither does she with me.

Kent then walks upstairs with Dominic and they shut the door while Jesika and I stand here for a moment before either one of us says anything. 

"We aren't going with you. And you can say what you want about what happened between us but, either way, we are not leaving with you." She says struggling to be brave while saying all that.

I glare at her a moment longer and then finally smirk a little.

"You can either come with me voluntarily or we can do this the hard way. No matter what, you and Dominic, MY SON, will be coming with us." I tell her assertively.

"Like hell we are." She states and then turns on her heels and starts walking up the stairs to which I next start to go after her and can tell she notices me getting closer and just as she tries to close the door shut to her bedroom and lock it but I stop it and come inside before shutting the door behind me and blocking her from getting out.

"Look, I understand you are upset and probably want to punish me for what happened years ago but I did what was best at the time. And if you want to punish me for it then fine. But don't do it in front of Dominic." She says sounding as though she is pleading.

It honestly broke my heart to hear her say that. I would never hurt her. I mean, sure I am pissed off and agitated with her for what she said and did to me but I would NEVER hurt her, let alone kill her.

"You still think I'm a Monster huh?" I ask her trying to cover up the pain and hurt with a hint of anger in my tone.

I noticed that scared her and maybe that is a good thing. After all, CLEARLY to her I will never be anything more than a damn Monster.

"Pack your things and be downstairs in fifteen minutes or else." I warn her.

"Or else what?" She asks after she takes a big gulp.

I then walked up closer to her and just inches away from her soft lips.

"Or else you will see a side of me that will give you nightmares for years to come." I tell her.

Next I turn on my heel and start walking off.  While I head downstairs, I notice that Dominic and Kent were all set with his couple of bags and small suitcase all there and ready to go.

This kid will be the death of me-just like his mother was at one time.

I just smile and pick him up and we start packing up the car that Kent is driving with his stuff and are now waiting for her.

It actually ended up taking her half an hour to pack and when I was about to head upstairs to grab her, I saw her start to come downstairs with a few bags and could tell she had been crying hard.

When we made eye contact with each other, she quickly looked away and wiped away a tear then held her head up high like she was okay and we started to head out.

After putting her things in the trunk of the car her and I were going to ride in, she looked confused as soon as she noticed that Dominic was in the car with Kent.

"I thought we were all going in the same car?" She asks.

"No. They will be right behind us. Get in." I tell her.

"I'm not riding alone with you." She says with finality while folding her arms over her chest.

"Yes, you are." I tell her as I glare back at her and look deeply into her eyes, freaking her out a little in which she tried hiding with an eye roll.

My how somebody has become brave.....Damn, she is still so cute and hot.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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