CHAPTER 16: Jesika

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While the guys had their meeting, I started to think about things. So now, after he mentions this whole idea of him marking me and officially making us mates, I started to think that I was sure it's what I had wanted. 

After that incident with Watson earlier and the fact that if I stayed human, I would be not much use to him, his kind in general, and not uphold his family name neither. Not to mention I'll age and die quicker than the both of them. so I guess all J can do now is tell him what I am afraid of the most about being forever his.

"I want to be your mate and Luna forever and always. But..." I stopped myself and took in a deep breath. 

"But what?" He asks. 

"What if I don't ever become as strong as you and your pack or Dominic? What if it doesn't work and I don't get turned, like my body rejects it?" I started to ask with concern. 

Maybe it was stupid, pathetic, even to think like that but I don't know what's all true and what's a myth. Plus, what if his parents don't approve?

"Baby, look at me." He says gently while lifting my chin up to meet his eyes. 

"I'm sorry." I close my eyes to try and hold back the tears I felt begin to form in my eyes as I felt too embarrassed all-of-a-sudden to look at him. But he repeated for me to look at him....So of course I did. 

"Now listen to me carefully. I love you. I have always loved you. I love our son and although there are some things I do regret, not one of them is about meeting you. I don't want to force you into doing anything you don't want to but, this would definitely bring us closer together. We belong together." He tells me. 

We spend the next few moments looking at one one another in the eyes and I feel so happy and so good that I can't say 'no' anymore or worry.

It's clear that he is right in the fact we are meant to be together and that I need to believe it and start trusting in that fact. So that's exactly what I'm going to do starting right now.

So I start to show it to him that I was ready and brought his lips close to mine and began kissing him passionately at first but then quickly brought more lust to it.

The kiss deepened and he started pushing me back a little until the back of my legs were stopped by the bed. Next we pull our heads apart to take a breath and the desire we have in our eyes towards each other, I knew I wanted him to mark me right now and make me his.

Just his scent is intoxicating and the way that his hands and lips feel on my body makes me want him even more.

So next thing I know, we are removing each other's clothes and tossing them onto the floor and then I am laying back onto the bed still making out until we pull apart again and he looks into my eyes as he gently caresses the side of my face.

"I love you." He tells me.

"I love you too." I smiled at him.

He grabs a condom from the side table and tears the pack open then rolls it on before he enters deep and slow inside of me, moaning as soon as he enters as do I then feel him begin kissing my neck and my hands grip tighter onto his hips as he thrusts in deep and slowly for a moment and then starts to pick up the speed a little more.

Next, I decide that from what I heard about how it feels to be marked, I tell him between moans, thrusts and breaths to mark me.

"Please baby. Do it." I tell him in his ear.

He stops for a brief moment and looks into my eyes then smiles.

"It will only hurt for a little bit but then feel really good afterwards." He tells me.

"I trust you." I assure him with a smile and gripping onto some of his hair.

He places his lips onto mine again as he began thrusting in deep and a little faster while kissing back on to the side of my neck again and within seconds, I felt a sharp pain in the side as soon as he smiles his razor sharp canine's deep into my skin then starts quickly licking it up.

Right away I felt a burning sensation coarsing through my veins and wasn't sure this was normal but then he made me look into his eyes.

"It's okay baby, focus on me." He tells me while slowing down his pace again.

The sensation quickly then went away and I felt a sense of ecstasy and gripped onto him tighter and brought his lips back onto mine as I flipped him onto his back while he stayed inside of me and moved my hair to the side where he just marked me as I placed my palms onto his chest and began rising his cock up and down fast.

He gripped my hips tightly having the both of us fighting over dominance with each other as he began flipping onto my back again and then thrusting in deeper and faster, holding my wrists down until we both come at the same time.

That. Was. Awesome!!

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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