CHAPTER 29: Drake

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It's been a couple more weeks now after Jesika had shifted for the first time and ever since then, all of my men and I have helped both her and Dominic as Dominic had fully shifted into his wolf entirely just last week. I could not be a more proud or and happy Alpha. 

However, also in the last couple of weeks, I have not been able to reach my father or any of the Elders and have had a few meetings with some packs to see if they would help us, but they all seemed too terrified be oblige. 

It made me begin to wonder in who my mother really was and why many (even some of the toughest packs) are fearful of her. 

I felt helpless. I mean, they pack and I are one of the strongest and bravest, but lately after finding out why many are fearful of my mother, I am beginning to question what exactly we'd be up against. 

I've been holding in doubts and so far being really good at hiding my feelings and thoughts from Jesika, which I know is wrong and I do feel bad about but at the same time, she has enough going on. 

Dominic, Jesika and I had just returned from our run and we headed inside the house to make some lunch when I stopped in my tracks as soon as I got a whiff of a familiar scent. 

We followed it towards the office and could overhear laughter coming from Beta Kent. Then as soon as we walked inside, I felt immediate relief when I saw it was my uncle (my mom's brother), whom I haven't seen in a few years. 

"Uncle Eddie." I smiled and walked up to him and we hugged one another. 

"Hey there, future Alpha King!" He greeted back with a tight hug, pat on the back and big smile. 

Right away, after we pulled apart, I introduced him to Jesika and Dominic. They all seemed to take an immediate liking to one another. 

"So what brings you here? Did my father tell you what's going on?" I asked. 

"He did. And we need to talk." He says now all serious. 

"Come on Dominic, let's leave them and make some lunch." Jesika suggests then we give each other a kiss then she walks out as does Kent to go help Jesika and Dominic, as they close the door behind them and both Uncle Eddie and I take a seat. 

"You have an amazing little family." He begins and smiles. 

"Thank you." I smiled in return. 

"I want to apologize on behalf of my family's name because of your mother's recent actions." He says. 

"It's not your fault. But why do people fear her that normally fear no one?" I ask. 

"When your mother was little, she was ashamed of being a werewolf. She made many friends, all different backgrounds. From humans, to witches to, everyone. BUT wolves. She believed the humans when they would exclaim that all wolves were creatures that they categorized as 'monsters'. Our parents weren't too helpful either in her upbringing and in a way, left it up to me to help raise her. Help her appreciate who she was. WHAT she was." He pauses for a moment before continuing. 

"Then one day, when she was fifteen years old, a year before she was forced to be engaged to your father, she met up with a witch. It wasn't until later on she would realize the mistake she made in trying to get rid of her wolf and become a human. You see, the witch she went to was one who made a deal with the devil and did only dark magic. Yet, she was very powerful." HE pauses. 

"What happened?" I ask. 

"She gave your mother a type of liquid that she told her would help make her a human, but instead, it all backfired and painfully had scarred her wolf. Not to mention also, the witch had tricked her yet again and had possessed her to do her evil biddings, by not only having your mother keep her wolf but then had become a strong wolf who did many things. BAD things." 

"But I don't understand, why did my father still marry her, if she was such a 'cursed' monster?" I asked. 

"Because he thought he could help save her. At one point he did and your mother's curse was lifted. She had been accepted again back to the council thanks to your father as well and ever since though, she believes humans caused her to break what could have been a great bond with her wolf but also herself. If they had never made her feel she was a monster." 

Right as soon as he finishes, we sit there for a few moments to think of what all we just discussed and although there is still some confusion, I can now see a little more of why many fear her and why she would even hate Jesika. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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