CHAPTER 31: Drake

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It's been a while since I have last seen Roman and it was real nice to hear from him and the fact that him along with many others were wanting to help us out.

I was beyond shocked and somewhat in disbelief what he told me about Jolton and my mom both working to try and take me down.

I expected it obviously from Jolton but from my mother? Not at all. Even after hearing how she betrayed me recently and with what happened between Jesika and Dominic  years ago.

I wish I had more time to process all of this and all but I know we don't have much time and according to Roman, he confirmed the little time we have to get ready for a possible fight.

I offered for Roman and the others to obviously stay with us and to try and come up with a plan.

After accepting the offer, Roman, Beta Kent, Jesika and I headed into the office to talk some more so I could find out just how much time we had.

After closing the door and taking a seat in the office, he began.

"Alpha, I didn't want to mention anything in front of everybody else and to be honest, am a little nervous right now and unsure if I should mention what I'm about to in front of these guys too-no offense." He says.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"Your father, when I saw him, he didn't look too good." He started.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"He looked to be overwhelmed and consumed in a lot of guilt. As one of my rare abilities I have, is I can feel what others do." He mentions.

"Oh? And did you find out about what is making him feel guilty?" I ask him in hopes he could finally tell me what my father hasn't CLEARLY told me about.

"No. Not exactly. But I must warn you that he seemed as though he was planning on doing something soon." He stops himself as he hesitates.

"Like what?" I asked.

"He..." We immediately get interrupted by the mind link my Uncle does to contact me at the moment.

"Sorry." I tell him.

"I am truly sorry to be the one to have to tell you this...but your father...Your father is dead." My uncle struggles to tell me.

"What?" I asked in disbelief. "But that can't be." I say in disbelief.

This couldn't be happening Right now. None of this could be real. My father is dead? No! I refuse to believe it.

"I am so sorry nephew but, I have reasons to believe Jolton and your mother had something to do with his death. I promise that I will find out whatever I can and make sure to keep you all up-to-date with things but please stay right where you are. They want Dominic and I recently had found out from. A good friend of mine, that Jolton was behind your Luna being attacked that one night." He finishes.

What? How did he know about that? Huh, maybe my father or Kent told him. And it doesn't matter anyways since I knew already but as far as us staying here, I can't do that. For many reasons and one of them being because I soon am going to become an Alpha King and it would be a cowardly act.

Yet, I knew my Uncle would be very upset knowing I didn't do what he asked because he was real worried.

So I did something I normally would never do or have ever done to him before....lie.

"Fine. We'll stay put." I finished trying to focus on sounding convincing and hiding the pain and anger I was beginning to feel.

Fuck my life right now!

So after the mind link stopped, I saw everyone looking at me as they were waiting to hear what was said.

"Are you okay?" Jesika asks me.

"Fine." I say through gritted teeth.

"Alpha?" I hear Kent say while looking down at my hands on top of the desk that I noticed quickly were balled up into tight little fists.

I guess everyone would find out anyways. So I guess I should go ahead and tell them.

"My father's dead " I tell them.

The room went silent. Though right now, I didn't want anybody to say a word or anything really. In fact, I needed for everybody to leave. I needed some time to think.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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