CHAPTER 6: Jesika

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When I woke up the next morning, I seemed to have slept in a little later than normal, in which I guess my body needed it.

Though when I woke up and saw that Dominic wasn't in the bed next to me and noticed he had left, I started to hear talking and laughter downstairs.

When I got dressed and made my way downstairs, I saw Kent was here with Dominic in his lap talking with my neighbors.

"Oh, good morning." Kent greeted me with a smile.

"Mommy!" Dominic screamed in excitement as he got off his lap and ran up into my arms when I got to the bottom of the stairs.

"Hey sweetie." I hugged him back.

We both then walked back into the living room where everybody was at.

"Well, we have to get going. But we'll talk with you later." My neighbors said. Then they left and I looked at him.

"So what were you guys talking about?" I asked him.

"Oh, nothing. They're cool people." He says a little hesitant.

I got the feeling right away he was leaving something out that he needs to tell me. I have always been good at reading people.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Alright." He begins. "I guess I should start with explaining the fact that ever since I found out the first time I saw you here, that your neighbors I had found out were like, me, and I then had them keep an eye out for you ever since." He says.

"What?" I asked in disbelief.

"I know I should have told you but, I didn't want you to get upset and then when last night happened, they knew who tried to attack you." He tells me.

"Are you serious? You aren't messing with me right now, right?" I ask him.

"No." He says.

After a moment of being in complete shock, I then looked at Dominic and then had him go into the kitchen with me real fast and poured him some cereal real fast then had him go into the living room to watch some TV while Kent and I finished talking in another room.

"So let me get this straight. You have had wolves-who are my neighbors, watch after us? And that they knew who attacked me?" I asked.

"Yes. Which is also why I am here and am not sure what you are going to say or how you're going to react to what I'm about to mention." He begins.

"Oh my god." I said under my breath feeling nervous and worried that what he was about to tell me was going to be real bad.

"You and Dominic are in severe danger. You both have to leave and come stay with us for protection." He says.

"Protection? We're in danger? But..." I then stop myself and start thinking about what that intruder said and then suddenly think of Kent just saying for me and Dominic to stay with 'us'. Who else would we be staying with? Then it hit me.

"Oh no. You aren't suggesting that Dominic and I stay with you and..." I struggled to say his name as all these emotions began to creep up again.

"You really have no choice. You need to be someplace safe and his is the safest." He mentions.

"But I can't. I won't." I start to tell him while backing up a little bit still trying to wrap my head around what all he is telling me.

"Please don't make this harder. We need to get you both out of here. But we have to hurry. We are going to meet up with Drake's private jet at the airport tomorrow, but it's in the next state over. So we will stop by a hotel tonight then..." He started but I stopped him.

"Wait a minute. Didn't you take the jet to come here?" I asked.

"No. His parents needed to use it so the pilot said he can't make it until tomorrow and not here but at another state. Alpha Drake thought it would be smarter that way, just in case that guy was tracking your every move." He explains.

"But...." I started to say but I stopped myself when I noticed him looking like he was being mind linked.

"No. I can make..." He begins to quietly argue a little with whomever he was talking to and I had a feeling in who it was too. When he stopped I asked trying not to sound like I cared.

"Who was that? Alpha?" I asked.

"Yeah." He says. "Please just come with me." He pleads.

"No. And you can tell your Alpha that I will NEVER go." I tell him with finality.

I was getting ready to head towards the kitchen to make myself some breakfast and join Dominic when I heard the door fly opened.

There standing in the doorway, breathing in and out hard like he was upset was none other than Alpha Drake himself. He was looking at me and seemed upset but also looked to be getting a little softer and claiming down a bit when he looked at me.

I tried to walk over to block Dominic and Dominic got up then started running up towards Drake and before I could stop him, I noticed him and Drake looking at each other without either one of them blinking.

Drake then started to kneel down in front of Dominic and before I could do anything, it looked like they both were smiling at one another.

"Hi." Dominic greets him.

"Hey." Alpha Drake began to smile.

The next thing I noticed was them hugging each other in a warming and touching way. Neither one seemed awkward or uncomfortable.

Shit! He now knows that it's his son. I just hope he doesn't hurt or kill me in front of Dominic at least.

Once Alpha Drake stands up he has Dominic in his arms and smiling at him but then once he looks at me he seems like he's upset.

However, I don't care because I will not show him any fear.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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