CHAPTER 9: Drake

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I hadn't meant to blow up in her face in the car like I did. It's just that all the raw emotions began to resurface again from that day and came at me all at once that I reacted in a way I know I shouldn't have. It did scare her I could tell her. 

Right now I was having such a really great time with Dominic-poor thing was getting a bit frustrated with himself at the claw machine because he wasn't able to get the stuffed dog from how much it was wedged deep between the hundreds of other ones and of course was the ONLY one he wanted. So I thought I'd try and get it for him or at least show him. 

I tried at first and within a few seconds was able to get it for him. 

"Wow! How did you do that dad?" He asked all smiley and impressed and amazed. 

Meanwhile, I loved hearing him call me 'dad'. 

"I'll show you, son." I replied with a smile then placed in another quarter, put his hand onto the handle that controls the claw then began showing him. 

He ended up catching on quick and wanted to keep on playing but five toys later and we began to head back towards the table and the food had just arrived. 

We then sat down and ate. Then after we all had finished, I could tell Dominic was yawning and seemed really tired. THAT'S when I got an idea. 

"You know, just down the road a little ways here, I noticed on the Google Maps that there's a motel we could stay the night at." I suggested as we continued walking towards our cars. 

"But what about the plane?" Beta Kent asked. 

"We did good today on time and plus, I can talk with the pilot, he can still meet us there tomorrow." I explained. 

"But...." I started to hear Jesika say and I looked at her with a raised eyebrow. 

She looked down at Dominic and then back at me and nodded her head in agreement although I knew she wasn't too happy with the idea. 

"Alright, we better get going then." Kent suggested. 

"Right." I agreed. 

We got into our cars again and headed down towards the motel. And pulling up to it, it looked like a small town type of motel. Maybe a three star, if I were being generous and had comfortable beds and a complimentary breakfast if you wanted in the lobby in the morning. 

Once we start walking to our rooms and stop in front of them that happened to luckily be next door to each others, Jesika starts saying 'goodnight' to Kent and I while holding Dominic's hand, getting ready to open the door and walk inside, I stopped her and I figured since we weren't finished talking to each other and wanted to stay with her anyways tonight, just her and I, I made a 'suggestion'. 

"Kent? Take Dominic to the room next door and if you guys need anything, let us know. Otherwise, we'll see you both in the morning I mention as I never stopped looking at Jesika. 

Jesika started to glare at me and it was kind of turning me on, also not to mention, was amusing for me. 

She seemed too tired to argue so surprisingly held her head up high and smirked at me before hugging Dominic tightly and giving him a kiss on the top of his head then we all went into our rooms and as I follow behind her inside, I almost get hit with the door as she seems to have tried closing the door on me. 

"Look, if you are seriously going to hurt me, then do it already. Otherwise, you are sleeping on the floor while I get the bed."  She had stopped to turn and glare at me with her arms crossed over her, chest. 

I stand there for a moment, looking her up and down then grinning at her and biting my lower lip a little bit before looking back up her body into her eyes again. 

"Let's get something clear and this will be the very last time I'm telling you this. I will NEVER hurt you or Dominic." I began telling her while walking towards her as she started backing up. 

"Secondly, I paid for the rooms and as far as I am concerned again, we're getting something straight right now once and for all." I continue taking steps forward until she hits the wall and I lock her between my arms as both my hands are pressed up against the wall and lean in a little closer towards her. 

"You are mine. You have always been mine and always will be. Not to mention the fact that you owe me for what you did." 

I hear her then take a big gulp. So I lean in inches away from her lips then stop and smile teasingly at her. 

"Mmm..." She lets out an accidental short low moan. Then groans a little in a disappointment as I push myself off the wall and take her hand to start walking towards the bed, in which I can tell makes her a little nervous and once we lay down and she realizes I just want to hold her in my arms, she soon gives in, relaxes then we fall asleep. 

I know we have a lot to work on but at least this is a good start and first step in the right direction....I hope. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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