CHAPTER 25: Drake

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SHIT! They are going to murder one another downstairs. I need to stop that. However, the moment I try to reach for the door handle, Jesika grabs my wrist to stop me.

"No. Please don't leave us." She begs.

"I have to. They are both still my parents and the council are the ones that need to decide their fate." I try and tell her.

"But you can't...." She says and stops herself as we both hear yelling coming from downstairs and the growls start to fade.

I couldn't stay in here anymore. I needed to see what was going on. So I opened up the door and then heard the voices of the Elders and then when I looked down the stairs at them, there was my father now back into his human form and being covered with a blanket as my mother was have ng the same done to her except she was also being put into shackles with her hands behind her back, struggling to try and break free.

"That's enough!" Geofferson exclaimed!

He next looked up and saw me and then noticed Jesika and Dominic both holding one another's hand as they began walking down towards my side.

"Council." I bow.

"Alpha." He greeted me back. "Take her to the hall. I'll meet you there in a few moments." He says to the guys that were holding my mother and were struggling to hold her still.

"You can't do anything to me. I'm the Alpha's queen!" She yells.

"SILENCE!" He growls out loudly. "You are an embarrassment and a disgrace to our kind. A terrible and disgusting leader!" He tells her with much anger and distaste in his voice.

The men then take her away and my father started to head over into another room where he had some clothes.

"Sir..." I began to tell Geofferson as I walked downstairs slowly at him.

"Stop!" He says while holding up his hand.  "There is so much that needs to be said and done. I am sorry you had to find out this way about your mother. I will leave you and your father to speak and I will speak with you later." He bows his head a little then all the other councilmen follow behind him out and they start following the men he had take my mom back to the hall.

My father came out moments later, dressed and a little tired. Then once he looked up at me and Jesika and Dominic, he looked to be on the verge of tears.

"We need to talk." He says.

"Yeah." I nodded in agreement.

We next had Dominic go in the living room while we sat at the table between the living room and the kitchen to talk.

"What just happened dad?! What the hell was wrong with mom?!" I asked.

"Your mother hasn't been right in the head for years now. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about everything before but I just...." He stops for a moment and looks away while trying to fight back tears before looking back at us and continuing. 

"My hands were tied. I tried speaking with the Council after I found out and they needed a lot of proof, however, I wasn't able to track Jesika down and now it seems I had been too late." He says as his head looks down in shame. 

Both Jesika and I look at each other for a moment, both realizing that we can't really be upset and instead take pity on him. 

So I look back at my dad and lean in towards him a little bit to try and explain to him that I forgive him and don't blame him. 

"It's okay dad. I appreciate you doing something about it now." I try and tell him. 

He looks up at me with some tears coming down his face and then looks at Jesika before looking back at me and smiling a little bit as well as before next we see Beta Kent and a couple of my other guys came running inside. 

"Alpha! Sir! We have a problem." He states. 

"What is it?" I ask. 

"The Queen has escaped from the men's custody." He says. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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