EPILOGUE: 5 Years Later.....

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After Dominic had come in that one day and told me he was sorry for what he did, it took some time to convince him why it was never his fault for what happened to me and that he even had heard me talk to him while possessed by that demon and that was what helped bring him back.

Now, with all of that behind us, there's not much to really say other than A LOT has changed in my life for the past several years.  In particular, in the last five.

I got back together with my soulmate- aka father of my child, became a werewolf, almost died, killed my mother-in-law, then a couple years after everything had happened, I had been announced as the new Queen.

We were married a couple of years after everything got better and have been such a great and happy thankful family since. Then as of three months ago, we introduced a new member to our family, another boy. He is healthy and since I was a werewolf during the time he was conceived, he was born a full werewolf. So Dominic is the only Hybrid.

He was excited to be a big brother and still to this day is very protective of him.

I am still trying to get used to this lifestyle and being what I am. But it's crazy. Mostly because when I look at Dominic, I feel a bit sad.

As a parent, it's always hard to be holding your child in your arms as this small precious fragile and beautiful thing in your that you would do anything to protect and love unconditionally. Then you blink and next thing you know, they're older and you wonder where the hell the time went.

I know being a werewolf we can all live for a long time (longer than humans) but still, in the past five years, it seems like Dominic has had a much more bit of a growth spurt than he normally would if he were a human fully and to be honest, I still can't wrap my head around it.

He will always be my baby boy though no matter how old he gets. He is really ten years old but looks like he's twelve and is wise for his age also.

"Mom?" I hear Dominic call my name, snapping me back to the present moment and out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"I'm fine. Why?" I ask him trying to put a smile on my face for reassurance.

"You seem to have been daydreaming or something." He tells me.

"I'm sorry, I was just thinking," I smiled and then finished chopping up some vegetables for the salad I was making for the dinner tonight.

"Don't worry mom. You will always be the number one woman in my life." He tries to make me feel better while putting his arm over my shoulders and it really does put a huge smile on my face while I hug him back.

"Thanks honey. And you'll always be the number one man in MY life." I tell him.

We both start to smile then hear Drake chime in while holding our son.

"I thought I was your number one?!" Drake teases with pouty lips.

"Nope!" I replied trying not to laugh as I popped the 'p'.

"Well, I am her son." Dominic then snaps at him jokingly.

Drake rolls his eyes at Dominic and then has Dominic take our son upstairs to put him down and sleep.

Next, Drake then walks up behind me and wraps both his arms around my waist then starts kissing my neck.

"You need some help baby?" He asks as he places kisses along the side of my neck trying to distract me. 

"No, I'm fine thank you." I smiled and giggled as he kissed the spot close to where he marked me at that always drives my wolf and I crazy when he's near it. But this part near it, it tickled a little.

I finished up and put the chopped veggies into the bowl with the rest of the salad, mix it all up then have Drake grab the salad dressings and we start heading towards the dinner table where we have Beta Kent and his newly found mate sitting and waiting for us while also laughing and flirting.

"Hey, my kid is here." Drake tells them.

"Oh, sorry." Kent's mate apologizes and turns a bit red.

"It's fine. He's just being a jerk." I rolled my eyes.

We all sat down and started to dig in and taking a look around made me smile in admiration because I had everything I had ever wanted since I was a little girl and never thought I would have which was a family.

I still had a lot more to learn about certain things, but I knew I had great help.

It's funny when I look back at everything and even the other day when the thought before had crossed my mind when I feared that the woman who tried making him her mate forever in the beginning when I had arrived, I couldn't help but laugh a little at the thought and the fact that I had somehow become The Other Luna.......

Okay, maybe not since I am the one wearing the crown!

                               The End

I can't believe it's already all over.
:(  But....More stories to come soon and have a couple I am preparing to start posting for. :):) But still writing The Mysterious Rogue. :);) Love you all and hope you enjoyed this adventure!!!

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