CHAPTER 10: Jesika

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When we woke up the next morning, I had thought to myself that what all happened yesterday was just a dream.

Reality hit me right away however, the moment I opened my eyes and saw Drake was asleep right next to me.

In a way, I felt at ease but then there was the other part of me that wasn't sure if I wanted to accept this feeling. He starts to slowly open up his eyes and smiles real big at me. 

"Good morning beautiful." He greets me with a much more gentle tone of voice. 

"Morning." I replied. 

"Mmm...." He moans a little and then stretches and yawns before sitting up in the bed and leaning back up against the head board. 

"Listen, I don't know what to make of all this exactly but, maybe we can try to see where it goes." I tell him. 

"Finally accepting the possibility huh? Yeah, I knew you couldn't resist me." He wriggles his eyebrows up and down after grinning and winking at me. 

"Yeah well, don't get too cocky. I'm willing to honestly try this for not just the sake of Dominic, because it NEVER works out when trying to stay together for the kid. But because I don't know after processing a little bit of last night in what all happened and what was being said, I just...." I was stopped as soon as he gently raised his hand to hold the side of my face. 

"Don't need to explain. Because I know what you mean." He smiles before he leans in and gently kisses me as I kiss him right back. 

Wow! This all happened quicker than expected. Yet, also, like I said before, I won't really expect much out of this-just in case, but I will however accept what's happening until otherwise. 

Not a moment later was there a little knock at the door and I knew exactly who it was by how light it was. 

"Why don't you answer it?!" Drake says to me in a more demanding way. 

"What? You don't tell me what to do." I playfully snap back at him. 

But I just rolled my eyes and as soon as I got up, I felt a sharp smack on my ass and quickly turned to look at him surprised. 

"That's for talking back, Sexy." He chuckles a little. 

"Well at least don't do it in front of Dominic." I replied. 

Before Drake had the chance to say anything back, I opened up the door and in walked a wide awoken and excited Dominic who jumped right into my arms. 

"Morwning." He greeted both Drake and I. 

Dominic gave me a quick kiss and hug before asking to be set down to where he next went up to Drake where he was picked up right away by him and greeted back. 

"Hey little man! What do you say we go and grab a huge breakfast, then start making our way to the plane to go home?!" He asks Dominic. 

"Otay." He replied. 

We all head across the street where a nice little restaurant was at that reminded me of a Denny's, ordered a nice breakfast then we all started to head towards the plane. 

It took us a good couple of hours to get there but sure enough, the plane was there waiting for us and all fueled up to go. 

I've got to say that this was real nice and awesome and the greatest part of this was the fact that Dominic hadn't been on an airplane before and I was able to be here for his first time. 

He was of course excited and was hard sometimes to keep him still but eventually he fell asleep near one of the windows and I couldn't help myself but smile at how peaceful he looked when he sleeps. 

I had been gently rubbing his head as he went to sleep and when I looked up in front of me at Kent and Drake, they both were looking at me and smiling with much admiration. 

"What?" I asked. 

"Nothing. You just make a great mother. I always knew you would." Drake compliments. 

I began to blush a little bit and then quietly replied, "Thank you." 

So far, it seems things are going pretty good and am for the first time too, looking forward in being with Alpha Drake. 

I just hope his parents along with the Moon Goddess and everything, will accept me and be okay with all of this.....

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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