CHAPTER 36: Jesika

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I was just finished with killing Drake's mother after I first killed the asshole holding me back when all of a sudden, I felt these deep sharp nails scrape across my back causing me to arch my back and wince in so much pain.

I rolled off Drake's mom's dead corpse and onto the floor, howling at the pain as my fresh wounds hit the ground and when I look to see what happened, I notice who I can only assume was Jolton but then a few feet away was a small child size creature that I somewhat recognize but, it couldn't be my Dominic.

This thing had eyes as black as night, his teeth were all razor sharp (not canine), his nails were long and razor sharp, his hair was a little disheveled and came a little on his face, while he stood looking at me, turning his head side to side and seemed to be more evil than anything I ever seen.

He then began swaying back and forth while not blinking or looking away from me. Then he crouched onto the floor and I propped myself up onto my elbows in disbelief at what I was seeing.

This wasn't my son. It couldn't be. There was no life or joy or love in this thing's eyes. But yet my heart knew this was my son and that he was in there somewhere.

"Dominic. I know you are in there somewhere. It's me, your mommy. The one who has raised you. The one that loves you more than life itself. You are the son of a great Alpha and...." I had started to mind link him but was immediately stopped and interrupted by Jolton.

"Your son no longer exists. I took care of that moments ago before you all woke up. In just several minutes, the Dominic you knew, will no longer exists and will forever be lost and get me for good. It is a shame though, if only you had trained him to be stronger, then we wouldn't be in this position." He finishes telling me. "Now he listens to me."

I heard a growl come from the side of me where Drake was laying at and noticed he forced himself to get up and was breathing heavily as he stood, holding his stomach and  looked at Jolton while growling lowly.

I tried to get up myself but with the little movement, it seemed to have upset who used to be my son as he seemed to want to lunge at me.

I shouldn't be afraid but I can't help it. I don't know what Jolton did to Dominic but, I don't know who I am looking at anymore.

Then it hit me, I suddenly began remembering what Jolton said a few seconds ago about how in several minutes from now, the Dominic I knew would no longer be here. Did he mean...Wait, I still had some time left to try and bring back my son.

So I tried to become more brave than ever and began to move some so that I could keep Dominic's attention focused on me and distracted so that Drake could try and get Jolton.

The moment I began to try and get up, I heard a deep gutteral growl coming from Dominic and he leaped far and landed on top of me then tried starting to claw at me and hurt me but I was able to grab his wrists and try to stop him.

Then soon enough, Jolton looked over at us and then before he had a chance to say or do anything, I saw as Drake jumped onto him, knocking Jolton back onto the ground real hard and both him and Drake started rolling around fighting one another and it seemed as though Jolton was struggling to shift into his wolf because of Drake not letting up on him.

Then finally, Jolton kicks Drake off of him and quickly shifts into his wolf.

I couldn't focus on them though. I had only a few more moments before I would lose Dominic forever.

Despite how badly he was hurting me, I couldn't fight back, he was still my son and I would never raise my hand at him.

Then after enough pain he has physically caused my wolf and I, I feel him next punch me real hard into my ribs causing me to gasp for air while clenching onto my ribs in pain.

Suddenly, I feel myself shift back into my human form and am in more pain than I felt as my wolf.

When I struggle to then look up at this creature that looked as though he was about to finish me off. Hovering over me.

"Dominic. If you are in there. Be strong. Fight this thing. You are stronger than IT. Don't let it consume you. You will always be my son. I love you. Always have and always will." I tell him while fighting back tears and struggling to say the final words through the pain and coughing of blood I am doing in between.

IT continued to stand there, looking at me as I began feeling myself start to fade in and out of consciousness and as I looked over to where Drake was, I could see Kent, along with the others from Drake's pack come running in, taking down Jolton and helping out Drake.

Then right before my eyes closed and everything went black, the last thing I saw was Dominic growling, kicking and struggling to break free from one of the Elders' arms who came up behind him to grab him.

I had no strength left to fight. I couldn't muster enough air to tell them to not hurt him. I could only hope that they would find out what happened and know he was innocent in all of this.

Then once again, came the darkness.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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