CHAPTER 37: Drake

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Things were far from over after I noticed Kent and all my pack come up behind Jolton as he was on top of me, trying to bite me but before he got the chance to, Kent and some others pulled him off of me and then took care of him.

I heard some growling and looked over at Dominic then noticed one of the Elder's had him in their arms and others came to help them carry him out.

"Wait." I struggled to get up and make sure they didn't hurt him right after I finish shifting back into my human form feeling all the pain.

"It's okay, they're going to take care of him. There is only two minutes left before it's too late and Dominic will be gone forever." One of the councilmen tells me as they try and help me up.

"Where's Jesika?!" I asked panicked and started looking around then saw her being picked up, covered from her neck down in a blanket and being carried in another councilman's arms.

I tried to run to her side, despite the pain and then Kent stopped me.

"Don't! She'll be okay. We need to get you fixed up first." He says.

"But she..." I started and then he stopped me again and I realized that I was no use to anyone really if I was all fucked up. So I stopped fighting and resisting then followed him upstairs and we got into a car outside while heading back towards my house where we all would be fixed up.

             ~~~~~1 Month Later~~~~~

It has been only a month and things seemed to have gotten a little better, except for the fact that despite me being able to heal a little quicker than Jesika and am more functional than before although I am still healing, Jesika seemed to have deeper wounds than anyone and was taking longer to heal.

She would occasionally wake up every now and then but has been so doped up in morphine that she isn't awake for very long.

Everyday since I got better, which was about two weeks after everything had happened, I have been by her side, waiting to hear her voice again and not hear her cry in pain.

Dominic however has been taking things worse than us all, over Jesika. He feels responsible for her injuries and although technically he did cause then, it was because he was injected with blood from a demon, in a way, it wasn't him. But he still is filled with guilt.

The doctor says that she should be fine but still be careful because she could still not heal as well and if she overdoes anything, she could possibly cause some internal bleeding that could lead to her dying.

Dominic and I were both outside in the backyard along with Kent and some of my guys, playing some football and trying to distract ourselves from feeling the sadness we felt because of Jesika when all of a sudden, we heard the doctor come walking out onto the porch and called out my name.

"Alpha?!" He says.

"Yeah?" I turn to look at him and we all stop and look at the doctor with fear that he's about to give us some bad news about Jesika.

"She's awake. She's fully alert." He smiles a little bit.

We all seem to let out a breath of relief we all had no idea we were holding in and as I walk up towards the doctor with everybody following behind me, the doctor stops me.

"What?" I ask him.

"She can't be overwhelmed right now. Especially with your son's guilt. You need to go in alone first, then bring others in slowly. Now, again, make sure she doesn't do much of anything until fully healed." He says.

"Okay." I nodded in agreement.

So I look back at Kent and he nods his head then takes Dominic's hand.

"Come in little man, let's play some more and see your mom later." He tells him.

Dominic looked sad but I was actually happy to know deep down that I could see her.

So I began trying to shake off my nerves and try to hold in my excitement so I didn't overwhelm her as I started slowly making my way up the stairs towards our bedroom.

I didn't know what I was going to say or do even.

I slowly began opening the bedroom door and peeked my head inside to find her looking out the window while sitting up in bed with her back against some propped up pillows against the headboard of the bed.

She then began turning her head to look at me.

"Hey." I tell her while stepping more in and closing the door behind me.

"Hi." She smiles.

I walk closer towards her and sit in the chair next to the bed beside her and take her hand in mine then begin to kiss it.

"I was so worried about you." I found myself saying.

"I know. I was a little worried also. Where's Dominic? Is he okay?" She began to ask and I could tell was starting to tear up.

"Shhh, yeah. He's okay. We all are." I try to reassure her. "Don't get worked up though baby, the doctor says you need to take it easy until you fully recover."

"What exactly happened to Jolton and the others?" She asks.

"Well, it turned out Roman was the one who brought us to Jolton's place. Turned out he was working with him and my mom. Then some of my guys when we had gotten knocked out, I guess some of them had gone to get the Elders and the others were badly hurt as a couple were killed but Jolton and Roman have been judged and were put away by the Council. They will never escape or be able to leave. And as far as Dominic, he had been injected with some demon blood and near the last few seconds that were left before he would forever be gone, the head Elder stopped the completion of the process." I finish telling her.

"Good. I was so worried they would judge him and do god-knows-what to him when it wasn't his fault." She began.

"I never would have let that happen." I assure her as I gently rub the top of her hand with my thumb.

"I know. I hope Dominic understands that none of what happened, even with my injuries, I hope he knows that it isn't his fault." She says.

"He feels a bit guilty but, I know that as soon as he see's you he will feel better." I try and reassure her with a smile.

We sit there for moments longer and we give each other some kisses and I hold her and then we talk a little more then we hear a light knock on the door.

We both knew exactly who it was too.

"Come in." I chuckled.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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