CHAPTER 34: Jesika

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I could hear a drip coming from a broken faucet somewhere close by, wherever we were at. The place was cold and had a foul odor to it that was pretty putrid to be honest.

I don't remember too much in what happened, other than Drake's mother took Dominic and the next thing I know, someone came up behind Drake and knocked him out then did the same with me.

I feel a bit groggy and out of it, almost as if I had taken some NyQuil and have the taste of copper in my mouth.

The more I began to open my eyes and blink several times to become more awake, I began looking around and one of the first things I noticed in a dark corner off to the side of me were the bodies of Drake's uncle and father...I guess I know where the smell was coming from now.

I started looking around and noticed Beta Kent was several feet across from me in what looked like a jail cell, the same as me and wait, where was Drake? Where was Dominic?!

The next thing I heard was the door from the top of the stairs open and down stumbled a badly beatened up Drake. Then after hitting the end of the stairs and landing onto the concrete ground, the guy who pushed him, came down the stairs then picked him up and shoved him hard into the cell several feet away from me on the opposite side from Kent.

The guy next looks at me and grins before starting to walk over towards my cell and I can't help but grip tightly around the bars in frustration except I immediately had to release them once I realized it burned my flesh a little to the touch.

"Ow!" I screamed.

I next heard the asshole begin to laugh at me.

"Stupid little bitch. It has been covered in wolfsbane. You know what that is right? Oh that's right, you have only been a werewolf for so little time and have had a shitty Alpha as your mate, I'm sure he never told you about it." He smirked.

"Where's Dominic?!" I began to ask while ignoring the pain.

"Don't worry about him. You'll find out soon enough." He said. "I'll be back for you in a few." Was the last thing he said before turning back around and started walking away back up the stairs and then slammed the door behind him.

I looked down at my hands and was more livid than ever. I didn't care about the bars and wolfsbane, even if I died trying to save our son, at least I would know I tried.

I began thinking of an idea, or at least trying to when I was interrupted by the groaning and moaning of Drake followed by some coughing that made my wolf and I feel some pain.

"Baby?" I started to say.

Next he tried sitting up with his hands still tied behind his back and spitting out blood through the groans of pain before sitting back up against the wall while remaining sitting in the cold dirty concrete floor.

"I'm so sorry." I hear him start to say.

"Don't be. Besides, right now is not the time to think about regrets or anything. Although I don't have any and neither should you because I chose this life. Right now we need to find a way out if here and to get to our son." I tell him. "Please stay strong with me." I begin to say while fighting back tears.

He painfully and slowly turns his head at me and just looking at how badly beaten he was, I felt like comforting him but yet knew I couldn't. And that killed both my wolf and I because as our mate, we hate seeing him in pain.

I try to hurry and pull myself together and then hear Kent start waking up then as he sits up, holds the side of his head as he too seems to have been badly beaten all while I was knocked out. Which must have been a long ass time knowing that they both had their asses kicked this bad.

I start to hurry over to the other end of my little jail cell closer towards Kent's side.

"Kent!" I try and get his attention. "Beta, please hurry and wake up. We have to think up of something quickly. One of Jolton's men came in here and told me he would be back in a few to take me to see Dominic. But we need to come up with a...." I was immediately stopped as soon as I heard the heavy iron-made door at the top of the stairs open up once again and when I looked to see who was coming down, I wasn't surprised to see it was Karol, Drake's mother.

She grinned at me as she started walking closer towards me.

"The time has come. Trust me, you're going to love what we will do to Dominic." She grins mischievously.

Next there was a big guy come from behind her, opened up my cell door and as I try and step back, he comes closer and grabs my arm and as he tries to drag me out, I try and fight back until he tightly grips onto the back of my hair and my throat.

"Trust me Princess, the more you fight the more painful and harder this all will be." He warns me.

"Let her go!" I start to hear a more awakened Kent and then Drake chimes in. It seems that he really does heal fast as an Alpha, despite the fact that he still is injured, but overall is looking as though he is getting there, in the healing department.

"I swear, if you hurt her or my son, I'll...." Drake says.

"Please, son. We both know you are just as weak and pathetic as your father was. For once, do as you're told. Your fate will soon be determined." His mother snaps at him.

I could tell now as it seems that Drake was beginning to shift and break free from his shackles that held his hands together behind his back. He yelled and growled in pain as he started to shift and I was more fearful than I have ever been with him shifting because he was furious. He looked vengeful.......

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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