CHAPTER 4: Jesika

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It's now been a few weeks since Kent has left and things have been getting a little hectic as I have been having to work double shifts since a few employees quit out of nowhere at my work, at the convenient store and since Dominic is out of school, he has had to come with me and stay in the back.

Thankfully he is smart for his age and understands everything. Plus, I have some vacation days coming up and the Manager told me that they would hire enough people by then for me to take it so that Dominic and I can go away on for a bit and have some fun.

My boss was nice enough to let me off early and after grabbing some groceries, we started heading out towards the car and as we did, I got the feeling that we were being watched.

I started looking around and couldn't see anyone behind anything, lurking about or anything like that and began brushing it off as if maybe I was just being paranoid or something.

As always, I had had Dominic get in the car while I finished putting the bags in and then we took off towards the house.

After getting out of the car and walking inside, Dominic heads towards the kitchen and I suddenly feel somebody's hand going over my mouth from behind, causing me to drop the groceries and start fighting back.

Dominic screams out 'MOMMY!' and I am able to briefly bite the intruders hand enough to yell out for him to run and call the police.

Next the guy turns me around and slaps me hard across the face and all I see right now is red and know that all I care about is making sure they don't hurt my son.

I try fighting him off but he seems to be stronger as he grabs my hair and yanks it real hard back and pushes me over some pieces of furniture.

"Where the hell is it huh?!" The guy yells at me.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I replied while spitting out blood and struggling to get up off the floor.

He then lifts me up like I am light as a feather or something then slams me hard up against the wall with his hand firmly gripping me around my neck.

"Don't fucking lie to me! Where is it!" The deep male voice demands.

This guy is in all black wearing a ski mask and his eyes are sterling grey. They are not what I have ever seen before along with a little red dot in the middle of it.

"I swear I don't know what you're talking about." I repeat.

"Fucking bitch! You better...." He starts threatening me again squeezing tighter around my neck and right when I get ready to pass out, my neighbors from next door come running inside and immediately he releases me, having me drop onto the floor and I black out.

I'm not sure how long I was out, but the first thing I thought of was Dominic. As soon as I sat up real fast, I grabbed the side of my head as the pain was relentless.

"Shh. It's alright. Don't get up." I hear a familiar female voice say.

I look and see it's my neighbor, Clara and can't help but feel relieved.

"Where's Dominic?!" I ask her.

"Wright hewr mommy." I hear his sweet voice and notice him come walking over towards me and embraces me into a tight hug.

"Are you okay?" I ask him.

"Dominic, why don't you go upstairs with Ren and show him your action figure." Clara tells Dominic to have him show her husband.

After they left the room I started to lay back down a little bit on the couch.

"I don't know what happened. I didn't get a good look at the guy." I begin telling her.

"We know." She says. "we actually scared him off." She chuckles a little. "But listen, you and Dominic..." She starts and stops as soon as she is interrupted by her cell phone going off.

She answers it then stands up and walks away a little bit then lowly talks to whomever and sounds a little upset. She then turns around to look at me.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Fine. Ren we need to leave, now!" She calls out upstairs to her husband who then moments later comes walking downstairs with Dominic beside him hand in hand and then she looks at me.

"What's going on?" I ask curiously.

"Nothing. We will talk about it tomorrow. In the meantime, get some rest and Ren and I will go and get a few things from our house then come back and stay the night with you. Just to make sure." She tells me.

"You guys don't have to do that." I tell her.

"Please. You're like our family." Ren says with a smile.

"Well, thanks." I replied to them.

I didn't want to talk or even think anymore, I felt my head start to hurt and knew I needed to rest.

So next I took some medicine, headed slowly upstairs with Dominic where we slept in the same bed together and I caressed his hair gently until he fell asleep in my arms right before I did.

Who was that tonight? What was it they thought I had? Also, don't they know Alpha, I mean, Drake and I don't speak?

Please somebody tell me this was one big bad dream.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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