CHAPTER 12: Jesika

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It's already been a few days since Dominic and I have come to stay with Alpha Drake and them and I am glad that we are. I definitely feel safer with him and also am glad that we agreed to start over again with one another.

So far things have been going real good and Drake along with the rest of the guys have all been very attentive to us. Although it took me a while to convince everybody that I INSISTED on doing things around the house, including Dominic.

Things seemed to be going good and I honestly am glad that it was going to be a month before seeing his parents again. It's been so good and not sure in what they will think about me after they meet Dominic.

Alpha Drake seems to be a badass and a real tough Alpha-just as I always thought he would be. But lately, I also have been hearing that since I have returned, he has been smiling more and being less of an asshole to his pack.

I never thought that leaving him would ever had effected him the way it seemed to have and I do feel horrible about it. However I won't dwell on it since we are moving forward from the past and since he obviously is doing much better now.

Watching him and Dominic bond so quick has been great and heart melting also.

Today it seemed like things had to go back to being normal in the sense that Drake and Kent needed to go about their normal day routines/business as usual before Dominic and I arrived.

Dominic and I spent most of the day playing with all these cool things that Drake had got him the other day when I heard Drake growl and yell loudly downstairs for some reason.

Uh-oh, something bad has happened and somebody made the mistake in pissing him off it sounds like.

Dominic looks at me worried and a little bit scared then he begins to growl and next thing I know, Dominic leaps past me off the floor and bolts downstairs with me trying to run after him and I see Dominic get in between Drake and some guy as they are throwing punches at one another.

"GET OFF MY DAD!" Dominic growls then the next thing I hear is me screaming out his name trying to get to him as soon as I notice him grab onto the guys arm and deeply bites his hand.

"AHHH!!!! You fucking piece of shit!" The stranger said and knocked my son several feet into the living room where I quickly ran to help him.

"YOU PATHETIC PIECE OF NOTHING! YOU NEVER TOUCH MY FUCKING SON!" Drake growls at the man as he lifts the guy up by the neck and the man has much terror in his eyes.

Then I hear seconds later, the sound of the guys neck cracking and the man is next dropped onto the floor.

"Dominic, sweetie it's okay." I try and calm him down as he's crying and yet freaking out with some blood dripping from the corners of his mouth.

"Mommy, I'm so scawred." He cries into my chest.

"Shh. It's okay sweetie. I promise. Everything will be alright." I try to assure him as I close my eyes and try to hide the tears from falling from my eyes but it's no use.

I am such a horrible mother. I should have told him about who he was and about his father. This is all my fault.

I try to comfort him and stroke his hair gently while holding him tightly on my lap as we stay on the floor.

"Is he alright?" I hear Drake ask me and when I open my eyes, he looks at me apologetically.

"He'll be okay." I tell him through the tears.

Drake then took Dominic from my arms and stood up and Dominic clung to him as he next helped me up by holding out his hand.

"Come on. Let's get him cleaned up." He says taking hold of my hand and giving Dominic a kiss on the forehead.

We walk into the bathroom while he tells Kent and the guys there to clean up everything and get rid of the guys body as he walks passed all of them.

After going in the bathroom and starting to clean him up, I notice that Dominic looked more sad then I ever remember him looking in his life.

"What is it honey?" I ask him.

"Am I a monstawr?" He asks us.

"Of course not. You are just unique. You are a special boy. Strong and very brave." I smile at him.

"Listen to me, there are some things about you that make you different from most. And in time you will see that you were given a gift. A talent, if you will. Soon I will explain everything to you but for now, let's just try and rest." Drake kneels down in front of him and tells him.

"Okay." Dominic then nods his head in agreement before getting down off the sink and he heads upstairs and takes a bath then gets into bed to take a nap.

Once he starts falling asleep, I go into our room to prepare taking a shower then get dressed and begin thinking about all that just happened. I don't think I believe any of it was even real to tell you the truth. Could that have all just happened?!? No way, right?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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