CHAPTER 35: Drake

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That was it! I was tired of trying to be fair and trying to go by the laws I had to obey as the Alpha King. I couldn't uphold the laws of justice knowing there was NO justice being done here. And it seemed that I was on my own. Me and Kent at least. I don't know what happened to the rest of my pack.

After talking with Jolton upstairs and my mother in trying to negotiate a little bit, they refused my suggestions and offers before then Jolton just began hurting me out of pure enjoyment as my hands were tied together with these shackles that happened to be covered in wolfsbane that burned my skin.

Then right now, despite what is all happening, I wasn't going to go one more second without putting up a good fight and for the first time, NOT playing by the rules or book and serve up some justice.

Now sure, I could lose my chances of being the new Alpha King and maybe even face judgement from the Elders and the council but, I don't care. Right now it was about doing what was right and best for everybody.

That's why I started shifting and let my wolf take over, while trying to ignore the pain from the burning of my flesh but with the strength of my wolf breaking apart the chains for the shackle cuffs around my wrists, breaking off, it was time to take down Jolton once and for all along with my mother.

I started looking around the cell I was in and couldn't see anything that would help break through the cast iron bars that were too covered in wolfsbane to help me break free but had no such luck.

Then as I looked at a struggling to break free from the guys arms and her crying as well as screaming, my wolf and I both decided to go through some more pain and noticed as well that Kent had shifted.

We both then began to grip tightly onto the bars and once again growled and howled a little from the pain but forced the bars to finally bend enough for me to finally get through the bars and the guy, along with my mom and my Luna started hurrying up the stairs.

When Kent finally got out also, his wolf and mine began following behind them and as they closed the iron made door shut, locking it quickly. Both my werewolf and Kent's started pounding and kicking the door.

So far we were only able to make dents into the door until eventually, we finally were able to break down the door and stood as tall as we did in our werewolf forms and started looking around.

I then had him go off to the left and try to escape and gather people to possibly help us, while I sniffed the air and tried to follow my Luna's scent.

I was trying to be careful of course and had no idea where in the hell my pack was. I hoped they weren't dead but I guess I can only assume since I can't remember what happened before I was knocked out.

It was just me and Kent now that had to deal with these sick fucks and I swear, I wasn't going to leave without my family and without Jolton and my mother dead.

Many of Jolton's pack all had seemed to have shifted as well and we're coming after me and Kent as I could hear them in the distance somewhere else in the house, fighting Kent as well.

Some of them got some punches in and clawed at me but none of them did any real damage.

I had almost lost her scent for a moment while fighting off these bitches but once I finally went to where I smelled her scent the most, I walked inside the room and could see her nose bleeding, as she looked at me with the same guy holding her with a knife to her throat.

But wait, where was my mother? Then just as I finished that thought, I felt somebody claw deeply on my back. I turned around and saw it was my mother in her wolf form.

She began clawing at me some more and hit my chest as I did with her as well before next going after her. She was a lot stronger than I ever thought she was and was putting up a good fight but at the end of the day, she was a monster. She was a disgrace to our kind and needed to be punished for all she had done.

We go at each other for a while and then she ends up throwing me hard into the air across the room making me hit the concrete-made wall, causing pieces to shatter and break all over the floor where I fell hard into the ground.

I hadn't realized until I struggled to try and get up that right before throwing me, she had scratched me deep across my stomach, making it not just painful the get back up but also to move in general.

The next thing I notice as I start trying to look around was that Jesika had shifted into her wolf and was growling loudly while I noticed the guy that had the knife to her throat a moment ago was laying now in a pool of his own blood and claw mark slashes on his neck as she had killed him.

Then as I look over some more I notice she is on top of my mother and is clawing at her and snaps her razor sharp canine's into my mother's neck then jerks her head up and spits out a huge chunk of her neck onto the floor.

Holy shit! She just killed my mother! Holy hell!

There was no time though to think about that for the next thing I saw, was something I had was our son, but he didn't look like our son as Jolton stood with a smirk on his face in his human form while our son jumped onto Jesika's back and began clawing at her and begins fighting her.

What has Jolton and my mother done to our son?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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