CHAPTER 11: Drake

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Now that we got everything squared away, I couldn't wait for us to get to the house and introduce my parents to Dominic and vice versa. Also, they used to like Jesika a lot and despite what happened years ago, maybe it'll take some time for them to adjust to the idea of me talking with the Moon Goddess about possibly making Jesika mine forever. I'm sure they'd become more than accepting. Especially once after they meet their grandson. 

In which I don't even think they knew she was pregnant, so this will be more exciting....At least I hoped. 

Dominic reminded me a lot like when I was a kid with all his energy, smarts (for his age), tenacity and of course, his good looks and sense of humor. 

There aren't enough words to express the happiness I feel at the moment because I have a son whose mother I'm in love with and always have been. 

Again, there still are a few matters about why she had ever up and left in the first place but for now, I'm going to drop it. 

After we landed, we got into the limo I had asked to pick us up at and we began heading back to the castle. 

Watching Dominic get excited as he looked out the window was something I couldn't help but enjoy watching. I just couldn't wait and see his reaction the moment he saw the castle. 

Right as we pulled up the long stone-paved driveway to the front of the castle and got out, Dominic reacted exactly the way I had thought he would have and was jumping up and down in excitement. 

"You like it?" I asked him with a chuckle. 

"I wove it!" He rejoiced. 

"I'm glad." I smiled then looked at Jesika who smiled but i could also tell she felt a little hesitant and uncomfortable. 

I started to think that maybe she was remembering the last time she was here. So I put my arm around her and pulled her closer to me. 

"We'll start all over again here. New memories. And if not, then we'll move someplace else." I tell her. 

"It's alright. I'll be fine." She smiled then I took her hand as Beta Kent grabbed our bags and we headed inside. 

I gave them a quick tour and showed our bedrooms. Of course, Dominic was ecstatic to see how I had my guys set up his room after mind linking them yesterday. Then it was Jesika's turn. 

The moment I opened the door to our bedroom,  I noticed out the corner of my eye that her jaw dropped and she was in complete shock. 

"Oh my God." She says as she walks in a little further and looks around more everywhere, amazed at all she was seeing. 

"Do you like it? You can always change it if these aren't your favorite colors anymore." He states. 

"No. I love it. But aren't you staying in here with me too?" She asks. 

"Of course. I had them put a little bit of me in here as well, but wanted to make sure it had a lot of you." I smile at her. 

I can see her start to blush and I just love that. 

"Thank you." She says and walks up to me and we start to kiss. 

"Alpha?" One of the Omega's interrupts. "Oh sorry." He says. 

"It's alright." She smiles at him. 

"What is it?" I snapped a little irritated. 

"Sorry but I wanted to tell you that your parents won't be back until next month from vacation." He informs me. 

Now that Jesika is holding my hand while standing beside me, I felt more at ease. So this time, I replied more calmly. 

"Thank you, I guess we'll have them meet Dominic when they return." I state. 

Omega looks at me bewildered. That's right, I forgot that he's used to not seeing me be calm, ever. Next I nod my head to let him leave and tell the others they need to come and meet Dominic and their hopefully Luna-to-be. 

Omega begins heading back downstairs and I grab Dominic while holding onto Jesika's hand and have everyone meet our son. 

Everybody was excited and thought it was awesome in that I had a son and they were happy to see Jesika back as they too have missed her greatly and always loved her since day one. 

In a way this is like having my family back together again and my parents when they come, things will be even better as I'm sure they have missed her also. Especially my mother. 

We all ended up hanging out and I made sure to let the guys know not to talk about wolf things or anything like that in front of Dominic and definitely not about the Luna stuff just yet.  

I also know that soon though, I will need to help Dominic shift and help him understand about being the hybrid that he is.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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