CHAPTER 23: Drake

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It has been several days since my father has left to go on so some type of a job and my mother was busy helping the council out with a few issues that have happened recently.

My father hasn't answered any of our mind links other than a couple of drop-ins to tell me he lived me and that things were going great. He did however, talk with my mother a lot and she kept telling us he was fine.

I had tried days ago to ask my mother if she knew what was going on with dad but she said she wasn't sure. Yet also reassured me that when he returned maybe we could all sit down and talk to him.

Right now though, I needed to put all of that in the back of my head because I needed to check-in on my guys and see how they were doing after I explained who we were looking for and everything the other day.

I had caught up with Beta and we did our rounds then headed back home.

"So you and Jesika gonna have a ball in the next couple of months and announce to everyone you both are mates?!" He asks.

"Yeah. It's funny too because, from that very first moment I had met her, I had looked forward to the day I would tell everybody about her being mine. I am the luckiest werewolf in the world." I smile at the thought of her.

"I'm real happy for you Alpha. I was afraid for a while that you two would never see each other again. Which reminds me, I never really apologized to you about keeping the fact I met her and Dominic and never told you. I didn't mean to betray you." He says.

"It's all good. I already forgave you man. I know you didn't mean any harm and had good reason. Besides, everything's good now." I assure him with a smile and a smack on the back with my hand.

When we got home finally and walked inside, both Beta and I could smell a few foul odors that were all-too-familiar as they reminded us of the family we despised more than any other.

The minute we walked towards the living room where we saw my mom, Marcie, Merrill and their father sitting across from each other on the couch and who all start looking at us.

"Sweetie, look who has stopped by." My mother says with a big smile.

"What are they doing here?!" I asked through a clenched jaw.

"Apparently you already had a mate." My mother says as she walks up to me with a smile.

All I could think of was how this has been handled and wait a minute, where the hell is Jesika?!

"Where's Jesika?" I asked her.

"She's upstairs. Her and Dominic have decided to leave. Poor thing. She looked so heartbroken after hearing you already had a mate." My mother states.

"Excuse me." I say before I try and hurry up the stairs towards Dominic's room.

Once I walked inside and closed the door behind me, I saw Dominic and Jesika both packing a couple of bags of his.

"Jesika..." I start to try and explain.

"I don't want to talk about it. I just need to hurry and pack before the both of us say things that we will regret later." She states.

Then they finish packing and as he puts his backpack on his back and she carries her purse and a duffel bag then takes Dominic's hand and starts walking off.

"Wait! You're going to hear me out." I tell her as I stop her by putting my hand up against the door.

"Move." She says.

"No. Not til you hear me out." I tell her.

"I'm through with you and your mother's fucking games. Stay the hell away from Dominic and I." She tells me through a clenched jaw.

She pushes me out of the way and I can already tell by her strength her wolf is coming out.

Then once I realize she is leaving, I follow after her and stop her mid step as I remember her saying just now something about the games my mother and I are playing?

"Hold up!" I call out while grabbing her arm.

"Let me go!" She says.

"What did you mean by my mother and I playing our games?! I haven't played any games with you." I fire at her.

"Son? What's going on?!" My mother asks with a smile along with Merrill and all of them looking at us as they stand up from the couch.

"Tell him! Since it doesn't matter anymore!" Jesika glares at my mother.

"What the hell is going on?!" I asked.

"Tell him!" Jesika repeats assertively. "Tell him about what REALLY happened back when I found out I was pregnant. Tell him the REAL reason as to why I left!" She glares at my mom.

What was happening? What did Jesika mean by that?

When I look at my mother, I see that she now isn't smiling and is glaring back at Jesika now.

"Mom?" I asked.

"Yes?" She asks with her head up high as she looks at me.

"What is she talking about?" I ask.

I know I needed to find out what was happening right now and yet, deep down and in the back of my head all I could think of was what was my mother going to say and how it was going to make me feel.

She's my mom and there is no way that she would have taken part in the reason why Jesika left me with my son.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

Hmmmm, wonder if Jesika is being overdramatic again, this could be a nightmare or maybe the mother really did have something to do with her leaving at first...... hmmmm......

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