CHAPTER 14: Jesika

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I understand that he has Alpha duties to attend and also am aware that he has put them on hold since Dominic and I arrived. Which I told him before that he didn't have to.

Although there was a part of me that had felt better in talking with Alpha Drake about how I felt with Dominic and me not telling him what he is, I felt still guilty as a mother who has failed her son. Set him up for failure. Not a hundred percent but pretty close.

I am glad that I have returned back into Alpha Drake's life and never thought it would ever have been possible but now that it has happened, I am also looking forward to him being able to help train our son.

Something I worry about though is what the Wolf council and his parents will think or have to say about our son and I being back in his life. I still am worried in the back of my mind that all of this could very well be just too good to be true.

Dominic is a hybrid and even though for centuries now, the council's have all agreed to make it okay to mate with humans, within reason of course, I still don't know, something deep down inside makes me start to think maybe things would not go as well as I hoped.

Maybe it's just my guilt consuming me enough to where I can't think straight really and am way over thinking everything.

Besides, not to mention the fact that he told me he would make things up to me later. So I was looking forward to that whenever he decided to.

While he was gone, I had gone upstairs and quietly went into Dominic's room where he seemed to still be sleeping deeply.

I sit down in a reclining comfortable chair next to his bed and window that overlooked the backyard and just sat to look at him with nothing but admiration and feeling so proud of how fearless he was the other day in defending his father like that.

He did eventually wake up for a short while starving, so I made him a huge meal and brought up some snacks and a few drinks for when he woke up again and didn't want to wait for me.

Next I sing him back to sleep while gently brushing my finger tips through his hair just as he likes falling asleep and then when I was done, I cautiously got up and left to wash the dishes real fast.

While finishing the dishes, I heard laughter coming from the back sliding glass door after it was opened and saw it was Alpha Drake, Beta Kent and some guy I didn't know. Then Alpha and them stop as soon as they see me.

"Well look who we have here. How are you doing hottie?!" The new guy flirts with me.

I start to blush a little and then notice Alpha Drake scowling at me. Uh-oh.

"This is MY mate!" He snarls at Watson.

"Oh shit seriously?! My bad." He exclaims and holds his hands up.

"This is Alpha Watson. He's one of the Elder's son." Kent introduces him.

"It's nice to meet you." I give him a little friendly smile.

"You too." He smiles a little also in return.

We all could tell that things were now awkward and Alpha Drake seemed to be beyond pissed off. So I quickly try and change the subject so that this poor guy doesn't get hurt or worse.

"Are you guys hungry?" I ask.

"Starving actually." Kent answers with a look towards me that said 'thank you for saving him.'

"Okay well, how about you guys get cleaned up and I will get things started." I began.

Kent and Watson had walked off towards one of the bathrooms to get all cleaned up and wash their hands while Drake just stood there in the doorway to the kitchen, staring at me with his nostrils flared.

"Don't ever do that again." He says still sounding pissed off a bit.

"Do what?" I ask him genuinely confused.

"You know." He tells me.

"You aren't accusing me of flirting are you? Because if that's the case then you need to look up the definition in what is considered to be flirting." I snap back at him.

"Why did you blush then, huh?" He asks me.

"I was flattered. But I swear I would never cheat on you. Sorry if you took that as me flirting but I was flattered and you should really learn to not assume things or jump to conclusions so fast." I tell him.

I didn't want to deal with his temper so I just turned around and had my back to him while trying to see what to fix. Then I next heard him stomp his way upstairs to the bedroom to get cleaned up I guess.

How dare he talks to me like that. I swear, he better understand something right now and that is to TRUST me.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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