CHAPTER 22: Jesika

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It has been several days now since Drake and I talked about that Marcie bitch and warned me about her possibly trying to start something but I assured him that I was confident enough in myself that by the time that would happen, I would shut her down. I'd put that bitch in her place.

Today happened to be a relaxing day and for the past almost week, I also have noticed along with apparently everybody else that Drake's father has been acting different.

I want to say that he seems a little more depressed and like his mind is always on something else than what it should be in the moment. But I knew it was none of my business and left it alone.

Dominic was taking a nap and I decided to head out back and sit on the porch while looking out at the forest and couldn't help but think about my so called wolf that was supposed to arrive at any moment.

Which that had been having me worried and been on my mind these past few days because I feel as though she should have come by now and couldn't help but begin to feel like maybe she doesn't want to be with someone that was once human.

Although I still have no idea in what all exactly is involved in having a wolf being assigned to you as a human per say, I still just thought maybe I would be that low percentage that the wolves have history of when human shifts into a werewolf and the fact they sometimes get rejected by their own wolves.

Drake told me that she was coming soon and that he was sure of it and so I believed him and tried to put it in the back of my head and took out my Kindle to start reading a book by Stephen King when I heard the sliding glass door behind me open up and knew already it wasn't Drake because he was still out checking the perimeters with Kent.

Then as I turned and noticed it was Drake's father walking out beside me, I felt relaxed.

Next he sat down a few chairs from me at the little table they had out here.

"Sorry, I hope I'm not interrupting." He states.

"Of course not. Dominic's asleep so, I just thought I'd catch up on some reading." I tell him while setting down the tablet.

"I love to read. In fact, I prefer reading over movies." He begins making conversation and we start talking and getting to know each other more and I even notice him begin to laugh.

Then the smile disappears and then he stops himself for a moment before saying anything else.

"I want to apologize for my behavior these past several days." He starts.

"You don't have to be sorry." I tell him.

"Thanks but, I do. For it isn't proper manners. I have been under much stress and many other things have been going on that I have recently found myself caught in quite the whirlwind." He says.

"I'm sorry. I'm sure it isn't easy being the Alpha King." I start telling him.

"That's an understatement. However, the reason I have come out here today is because from the first moment I met you I knew already what kind of a person you were. It's also an ability I have. Most would argue to say it is my gut instincts but I have what my mother used to call, a gift." He chuckled.

"And what do you think of me?" I asked curiously.

"I think my son is very lucky. Just promise me something." He says.

"Of course." I replied feeling both curious and A little worried.

"No matter what happens, promise me that you will never try and change him into something he's not. Especially a monster." He says the last part under his breath while looking down but I heard him.

Why would he even say such things? What is happening?

"I promise I won't." I assure him.

I'm not sure in why he was saying all of this to me and was beginning to believe that maybe nobody else knew. I don't know if I should tell Drake in case this talk meant something serious. But I'm not sure.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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