CHAPTER 2: Jesika

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Summertime was here and school has only been out for a week now and my five year old son, Dominic, is excited of course that for one, no more school and two because next year, he'll be in the second grade. Which I know that to some, he should be starting in Kindergarten but I had started him early in preschool because he has always been a bit more advanced than most. 

I can't believe at how much time has passed already though and that he'll be turning six years old in October. 

Dominic is my whole life and I instantly loved him since the moment I had found out I was pregnant. 

There aren't many in this world that are like my son. He is unique and happens to be what some would consider to be known as a 'Hybrid'. He is both human and werewolf. 

He looks and acts human for the most part but I know there will be a day, when he will turn or shift as they call it and I fear that every day. 

When I say my son is advanced in a lot of ways more than humans is well, first of all, his eye sight is 20/20, his hearing is heightened so much that he could hear things from miles and miles away, crystal clear, along with his sense of smell. Then there is his speed as he is able to run at the speed of a bullet practically, along with his knowledge in how fast her learns too. Then there's of course his strength. He already has the strength of ten strong men and I know will get stronger and much taller as well, the older he gets. 

Now, as naive as it sounds, I had hoped since the beginning that if I had just raised him from the moment he was born, as a human, then maybe he would remain one.....But that I know was a stupid thing to believe as I have read more about their kind. 

There is always the thought in the back of my mind where I could just ask his father but, he doesn't know about him. 

The last time I have even spoken with his father, we were arguing and I had told him I had lost the baby. 

Now, should I have lied to him? No. But at the time it was the best choice for me to do. 

I never judged nor cared that I had fallen in love with a werewolf in general and in fact it was even more cool after hearing he was going to one day become the new Alpha King. In fact, how we met was in high school. I had just moved into town with my grandmother and it was my Senior year of high school. 

One day, I was being bullied as usual and both Dominic's father and his best friend/Beta, Kent, had stepped in and protected me. 

He was always great to me and I regret the day I left and told him I had lost our son. 

Often I do think about him and have wondered if he has thought about me as well. Then as of several months ago, I had surprisingly ran into Kent. Which was great because it was real nice to see him again but I had made him swear not to tell Drake because I would eventually, possibly and for now, things would be better this way. 

He told me it'd be difficult in doing that but that he would for me and for now. He just made me promise not to put things off in telling Alpha Drake for too long. 

The more we got to talking and catching up, the more I felt real good and he even began telling me about Drake after I finally asked him how he was doing. It broke my heart and made me feel quite guilty after hearing about how Drake has turned into the 'Monster' I had called him (regretfully I might add), that day. 

He is NOT a monster and I hate myself a bit that because of me, he has become one. Short-tempered, more heartless, ruthless and little to no compassion for many things he used to have for. 

I have yet to ask though and am in a way still trying to avoid even asking him about if rather or not Drake has found a mate. 

Yes, I would be heartbroken to hear that he has moved on, I still deep down would also be happy for him while still struggling to accept it at the same time. So practically, it would kill me all over again inside. 

Last night, Kent messaged me that he had some business near town and wanted to come and visit me and Dominic. 

Dominic and him are like best friends and call's him Uncle already. Overall, Kent has been awesome with everything and had even told me that he would help me with Dominic when it came closer to him shifting, in which he told me it wouldn't be much longer and then mentioned the signs to look out for. 

Another thing I am dreading more than anything else really is the fact of how well aware I am that there will come a day when Dominic will ask me about his dad and I'm sure he'll hate me or be upset with me for what I did but I will try and also explain to him that it was better at the time than the other options I had. 

After I finished up washing the dishes from after making mine and Dominic some lunch, we hear a knock at the door. 

The minute I opened it up, just like always whenever my son see's Kent, he ran past me and right into a knelt down Kent's arms. 

Just seeing that makes me think of what it would be like if Drake was here. 

"Hey!" I greeted him with a smile and hug. 

"Hey gorgeous!" He greeted back with a smile and hug after picking up Dominic then coming inside. 

We next all started hanging out and had fun like usual when he was here. It really is so nice to have a good friend like him. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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