CHAPTER 27: Drake

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It broke my heart when she had CLEARLY been upset as to why my mother hates her while I myself am still trying to comprehend and understand what all has just happened. 

I too couldn't make any sense of everything, including with having answers about my mom to Jesika. I just had none. 

After we arrived at the house and I gave a little tour around both inside and out for Dominic and Jesika, Beta along with a few of my other guys followed me into the room my dad always used as an office to go over a plan for at least right now. 

"So what's the plan, Alpha?" My Beta, Kent, asks. 

"We do what we normally would. We still guard the perimeters around here and I'll try to contact a few of the local packs, in case they don't know already and both warn them and hopefully ask for their help." I tell them. 

"This is real intense bro." One of my Omega's comments. 

"Yeah well, we all know who my mother knows and apparently I no longer know who she is anymore and has become unpredictable to us." I embarrassingly admit. 

Right as I was preparing to say something else, I heard Dominic crying and screaming out for me to come quick. 

Immediately we all start running out of the room and into the living room where Dominic right away ran up to me and threw his arms around me, scared. 

We all were in shock and yet amazed at watching Jesika start to shift. We watched as we heard her bones begin to snap and crack. She was on all fours still in her human form but not for much longer and unsure of what was going to happen next, I knew that I at least needed to try and help her get through this, so I then bent down to Dominic's level. 

"Mommy is going to be okay. She's shifting into her wolf. You remember we talked about this? Remember how I told you a few days ago about shifting and how it hurts far worse for if you are born a human?" I remind him. 

He nods his head in reply. "Yeah." 

"That's what's happening but don't worry, I can help her. Then soon we will help you fully shift." I smile at him. 

I then stand up and tell the guys to all leave and take Dominic because for one, her clothes are about to shred and two, I need to shift as well to help her. So that's why I ask the guys to take Dominic out and I'd mind link them when it was okay to return. 

I had no idea in what her wolf would do and didn't want Dominic to see. Since he was a born a hybrid, this 'shifting' for her, as I had just explained to Dominic, as a human it is different in mostly the pain department. 

After they all left, I started quickly removing my clothes. First was my tshirt, next were my shoes and socks then my pants. 

"Baby, it's okay. I'm going to help you get through this." I start telling her while next removing my boxers and shift real fast. 

"It hurts. I feel my bones everywhere, breaking." She cries out. 

"That's normal. Now listen to me...." I begin to mind link her. "Don't fight it. This is the first step in trusting your wolf. She needs to finish introducing herself. Allow her baby." I continued. 

It took her a couple of moments to finally let the transformation be completed and soon enough, now standing tall on her werewolf's back legs (Close to my height), stood my beautiful Luna. 

"You are beautiful." I tell her werewolf. 

"I know." She replies teasingly. "Man, was she hard to have trust me." She jokes. 

"What is your name?" I asked. 

"Delilah." She replies. 

"Nice to meet you. As you already know, I'm your mate and my wolf's name is Nikolas." My wolf replied. 

She begins to growl in pain while holding the side of her head. 

"What is it?" My wolf asks concerned. 

"She's freaking out. I have to let her shift back. I never should have been so quick in shifting her first time." She says. "But hey, let's you and I go for a run tomorrow, my Sexy Mate." She suggests. 

"Hell yeah!" My wolf replies excitedly. 

Before she starts to shift back, she tells me to be patient, understanding and to help Jesika as she starts to shift back. 

I quickly start to shift back as well and tight as I finish getting my clothes back on except for my socks and shoes, I hurry to grab a blanket from off the back of the couch and as soon as she finishes shifting back into 'Jesika', I quickly run and kneel down beside her as she cries and holds me while I too wrap her nude body with the blanket and hold her. 

She also seems a little bit shaken up, which is understandable. However, I try to comfort her as she continues crying into my chest. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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