CHAPTER 17: Drake

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Last night was amazing and one of the best nights of my life. I was so happy that she let me mark her.

Marking her was making everything official between the both of us and I can't wait to tell my parents when they return.

Things felt and looked as though they were falling into place finally and like there definitely was hope in the near future.

She definitely also has had a huge impact upon her return in me not losing my cool so much and having a bit more patience because of her and our son.

Dominic and Jesika had stayed at the house while I went to make my rounds and check in on my guys that were guarding the perimeters of our property when I heard my father mind link me letting me know him and my mom were coming home very soon.

I was happy to hear that because we needed to hurry and deal with this Rogue, Jolton, situation and as much as I wish I could do what I wanted to with him, again, these kinds of decisions have to be made only by the Alpha King and his Queen.

So I hurried up and finished up with my duties and when I was done I right away began running back home as fast as I could hoping I could beat them but when I got there, I noticed that Jesika, Dominic and both my parents were all sitting down in the living room, playing with Dominic.

"Oh God. You all met." I smiled.

"Yes we have. You didn't tell us Jesika was your mate and was staying here with your son." My mother smiled at me while also giving me a look that said, 'shame on you.'

"Sorry. I wanted to wait and tell you all once you got here." I tell them.

Dominic runs up to me into my arms and gives me a huge hug before commenting at how stinky and sweaty I was.

"Eww...Dad, you smell." He says with a scrunched up nose.

"Yeah." I chuckled then set him back down. "I'll go and take a quick shower then we can all sit down and have some dinner together." I suggested.

Everybody agreed and then Jesika had offered to make dinner while my mom followed behind her to help as my my father and Dominic stayed in the living room wrestling with each other.

Now even though I wasn't here to I introduce them, it's clear to see that it didn't matter as I knew they'd be thrilled to see both their grandson and my mate, Jesika.

After I had finished getting cleaned up, I went downstairs and dinner was all ready. So we sat down and had a delicious home cooked meal that I found out my mother and Jesika had both made together.

My parents just couldn't get enough of Dominic and looked to be proud grandparents as they made him laugh all throughout dinner.

When we finished eating and after I was done helping out dishes away, Dominic had seemed to have fallen asleep next to my dad on the couch with with one of their arms around one another as Jesika and I stood there looking and watching my mother take some adorable pictures.

"I should get him to bed." Jesika says then walks over and picks him up before taking him upstairs to bed to tuck him in and after I kiss him goodnight.

Once she closed his door, my parents both looked at each other for a second and then back at me.

"So...about Jolton " My father begins.

"Yeah, we should talk more about it in the office. I haven't explained things to Jesika yet and don't plan to until I know more." I explain.

They nodded their heads as we started to make our way towards in the office and shut the door behind us.

"Son, your mother and I have recently met up with someone who claims he used to be Jolton's right hand man and has left as of a few days ago. He has also informed us with some information and ideas in what Jolton has planned." My father continues.

"Well, then what are your opinions in what I should do?" I ask.

"You must speak with the council first. Because even though we are Alpha King and I am the Queen, it doesn't mean we can't speak with the Elders and Wolf Council before taking action on matters such as these ones. Especially with the possibility of there being a potential fight or war that could be the result." My mother chimes in.

"But the Elders are out of the country at the moment and supposedly won't be back until next week." I mention.

"Then it's next week we shall have to wait until we can get an answer and create a solid plan." My father says.

"I guess so." I reply trying to hide my frustration.

"In the meantime, Jesika, Dominic and I can go shopping for some things." My mom suggests.

"Mom, I already bought him some things." I try and let her know.

"Yes, from you, but not your father and I." She remarks.

"I hate shopping." My father states.

"I know. I'll just do what I always do and say it's from you." My mother sticks out her tongue at my father.

He just rolled his eyes and looks at me while chuckling.

"He's going to be spoiled." He says.

"I know." I chuckled in reply.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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