CHAPTER 26: Jesika

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'Oh fuck!' Was the first thought that crossed my mind because I knew who she would try and come after.

I haven't met my wolf yet and am worried that I might never meet her. Not too sure in how it works in the first place and despite what Drake told me about how when I meet her I will know, I worry that maybe she has changed her mind.

I hadn't realized I was off in my mind somewhere else until the moment I heard Drake say my name a couple of times until I finally snapped back to the present.

"Hmm?" I asked as I looked at him.

"You okay?" He asks me.

"Yeah. I mean, I'm worried a little bit but...what are we gonna do?" I ask.

"I don't know yet. Not sure exactly in how she escaped because it is rare and near almost impossible to escape from those men that had her in their custody." He explains.

"She's going to huwrt my mom." We heard Dominic say as he wiped some tears from his eyes and broke all of our hearts.

"Aww sweetie, come here." I tell him while opening up my arms and picking him up then placing a kiss on his cheek.

"But I saw hewr huwrt my mom." He says.

We all looked at each other confused then back at him.

"Sweetie, what do you mean you saw her hurt me?!" I asked.

"I have had dwreams and images go thwrough my head." He says as I see tears start to fall deeper and his face and he next buries his head into my shoulder.

I start to rub his back. How horrible to have seen such images. However, wait a second, is that one of his abilities? I thought to myself as Drake soon after replied through mind link that it was.

Why out of all the things he could have, that's one of them?!

I continue trying to calm him down some and comfort him while trying to assure him I will be okay when in reality, deep down inside, I had no idea and was scared.

"Shh...It'll be okay." I tell him.

"I promise little man, I will protect you and your mom." Drake reassures him with a smile and then starts to rub his back as well and looks at me with sympathy and yet I could also tell he was furious.

"Son, you three, along with Beta and several of your men should go to the house." Drake's father chimes in.

"What house?" I asked curiously.

"There's a place that we have had for years, used as a sort of 'safe-hidden-secret place' if you will that nobody knows and from the formula a good friend of mine who happens to be a witch had surrounded the territory with a scent that can easily mask ours from other's finding us, you all can stay there and be safe. I can contact you once I find out more." His father continued.

Drake looked unsure and then looked at me for a brief moment then at Dominic and once he looked once more at his father, he nodded in agreement.

"Alright. We'll go but, dad, you should come with us." Drake insisted.

"Yes, you should." I agreed.

"I'll be alright son. Don't worry about me. I have the Elders on my side and we will get to the bottom of this. I don't fear your mother and this way it'll also give you some time to help train her." His dad finishes while looking at me and smiling.

I knew what he meant. He meant about me and my wolf. The one that I have yet to meet.

I knew in this very moment, things from here on out were never going to be the same.

Right now though, all I could think about was getting ourselves to safety as soon as possible and try to figure some stuff out. I just hoped I would be ready for what was yet to come.

So it didn't take too long for Drake to pack some of his things along with the guys that were coming with us also and while some of his guys drove behind us, both Dominic and Beta Kent had sat in the back of the car as I rode upfront with Drake and we started making our way towards the private jet. 

After we got onboard and started to take off, I sat in my seat, looking out the window and sitting across from me now at a close distance was Drake. 

"It's going to be okay baby. I promise." He says. 

"What if it doesn't? What if I never meet my wolf? Or even if I do, who's to say that it'll be on time and your mother comes and kills Dominic and I?" I try and fight back some tears. 

Next I notice him get up and sit next to me then put his arm around me and has me look at him. 

"I know I got you into this life that wasn't fair, in a way to do." He starts. 

"Why does she hate me so much?!" I blurt out. 

"I don't know. But it doesn't matter. Because neither her or ANYONE will ever take me away from you and Dominic." He assures me as he lifts my chin up to look at him. 

"Promise?" I tell him as I next then feel his thumb gently wipe some tears away. 

"I promise on my life and our son's, that you and I will ALWAYS be together." He repeats. 

I guess I just needed to hear him say that to me once again because it was very comforting and helped calm me down. 

Please, let my wolf come soon to me......

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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