CHAPTER 13: Drake

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I was really proud of our son but also worried and felt bad that he had never shifted and although he hadn't then when he attacked the guy trying to defend me, my heart broke when he asked if he was a monster. 

Soon I knew he would shift but after him just reacting the way he did. So I put him to bed and knew that for the next few days, he would be real tired since he had never shifted before doing something like he did. So after I made us all something to eat, I had finished laying him down in his bed to sleep and as I walked out of the room, I could hear my Luna crying outside. 

I hurried downstairs and heard her sniffling and trying hard not to cry loudly but I heard it as if she was because as a wolf, one of the many abilities you have is to be able to have heightened senses including smells and especially hearing. 

I walked out and went to sit beside her on the steps on the back porch and started to try and comfort her by putting my hands on her arms and started rubbing them gently up and down. She next started looking away to wipe her tears away. 

"What is it?" I ask her. 

"I feel like the worst mother in the world. It's my fault that our son felt like what he did wasn't brave but felt worried that he was a monster." She says. 

I love it when she says our son. But it makes me feel horrible that she feels like she isn't a very good mother. 

"Baby, you're a great mother. I understand that it scared the both of you but I swear that there's nothing to worry about because you're here with me now and very soon, I will show him how to shift and control him and his wolf so that he isn't as drained as he was now." I try and reassure her. 

She begins shaking her head and starts to quietly cry some more and then I pull her in closer to me with her head now on my chest as she holds me tighter as well and begins to cry a little more into my chest. 

"I'm so sorry that I ever left. I never should have." She started. 

"Shh....It's okay." I try and soothe her while kissing the top of her head. 

While standing there holding each other, I couldn't help but feel like maybe now I could ask her about why she had left. I mean, I know we are trying to move forward but I need to know. Mostly I want to know right now because she shouldn't be feeling the way that she does and after telling me that she was sorry for ever leaving, I think that maybe now would be a good time in talking about it. 

Before I could mention anything though, I heard the sliding glass door open up from behind us and saw Beta Kent standing in the doorway. 

"Sorry to interrupt but, Alpha, we need to go meet up with Omega Dustin, he just mind linked me moments ago mentioning he thinks he found something." He began. 

I knew what he meant. I had told all the guys including him to let me know if they find any information about the asshole twins that are trying to come after Jesika and Dominic. They normally always are on the lookout for of course, rogues and many different other trespassers before but in particular, these fuckers were far more dangerous. 

So I look at Jesika who I hate to leave right now with the way that she is feeling and when I look into her eyes can tell she is not wanting me to leave, which is making this harder than ever but then she puts a smile on her face and nods to assure me that she understands. 

"I'll make it up to you, I promise. Plus, I'll be back before you know it, I promise." I assure her with a smile and then give her a kiss on the lips before taking off with Kent and while on our way to the guys, Kent and I had shifted into our wolves and Kent tried to reassure me that everything was going to be okay and that soon, Jesika will understand even more about all of this and my duties and responsibilities as an Alpha.

I hope he's right because I hated leaving her that way and I hate even more that I haven't marked her yet and am not able to mind link to communicate with her while I'm gone. But hopefully soon I'll be able to fix that. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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