CHAPTER 19: Drake

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The next morning I woke up while my beautiful mate slept as well as everybody else. Well, except for my dad but he's always been a morning person. 

We greeted each other as I walked into the kitchen after taking a quick shower and getting ready for the meeting I had with the council and was pouring myself some coffee before then taking a seat near my dad at the table. 

"Big day today, huh?!" He asks in between sipping his coffee. 

"Yeah. I'm sure everything will be okay." I lie a little before taking a drink from my mug. 

"No matter what the outcome is today, I want you to know son that I am very proud of you." He tells me. 

"Thanks." I smile in return. 

"You have found such an amazing mate who seems to have already given you so  much happiness and purpose in with a beautiful son." He smiles. 

My father has always been a sincere man but something feels a bit off with him right now. Before I could ask or anything, Beta Kent came walking into the room behind me. 

"Sorry to interrupt but we need to get going, Alpha." He reminds me. "You ready?"

"Yeah." I nodded before hurrying up and downed my coffee real fast before then telling my father 'goodbye' as always and then heading out towards the car. 

While on our way to see the Wolf Council Elders, it was still bothering/disturbing me with what just happened with my dad back there. Something seems wrong. 

"You alright?" I hear Kent ask. 

"Of course. It's just....Did you get a weird vibe from my dad just now at the house? Like an odd change in his demeanor?" I ask him. 

"Nah. Why?" He asks. 

"I don't know. Maybe it's nothing. He just seemed....different." I replied. 

"Maybe he's just jet-lagged." Kent mentioned. 

"That's possible. I didn't think about that." I smiled. 

We eventually arrive at the huge renaissance-gothic-victorian looking building where the Wolf Council was located. 

Once inside and after being announced to the Elders we were here before then being excorted into the middle of the room where you were surrounded usually by the entire council normally is made up of a total of one hundred. But since this is just in front of the 5 Elders (including the head Elder, Geofferson). 

These men and women are the ones who decides our fate and cast upon judgement when we do something wrong and who enforce all the rules. The head Elder finalizes ALL the decisions however in the end. 

"So, you've come to us today in regards to Jolton, is that correct?" Geofferson states. 

I swear it can be quite nerve-wrecking having the high councilmen, in particular, the Head Elder all looking at you waiting for your response. 

"And what is it you wish to request?" He asks. 

"I only ask that I have permission to take Jolton down by any means necessary." I began. 

They all five looked at one another for a moment and then back at me a little bewildered. 

"When you say 'by any means necessary', are you suggesting to create a big fight and or possibly a war of some kind?" He asks with a raised eyebrow at me. 

"I don't intend to have that happen. However, knowing how Jolton is, he might start one." I point out. 

"And what may I ask, brought you to this whole idea in the first place?" He asks me curiously. 

"Because recently, I found my mate. It wasn't until I went to get her that I found out his intentions in the fact he was after my son." I come out and tell them. 

There now was silence followed quickly afterwards of gasps and then whispers that filled the air in the room as they all were shocked and surprised. 

I wasn't sure at where any of this was going and honestly began to grow more nervous . Then Geofferson looked at me as did the rest of the Elder's. 

This was it. I was going to be turned down or and it was going to be something about Jesika and our son. 

"Alright. We will allow this plan of yours to happen. We trust you. However, there are some things that need to be taken into account as well." He began. 

"Okay." I nodded. 

"For one thing, we'll need to have a ball to announce you finding your mate and having a son. A HYBRID son I might add." He winked and smiled at me before continuing. "Then we will want this Jolton issue to be resolved without a war. In fact, we want him brought in where we can judge him accordingly along with the fact that you must keep us informed at all times with this issue and what is happening." He finishes with his head held high. 

I was surprised a little bit for how he answered for both things, mostly because he normally would ask more questions and for more details before 'okaying' a plan like that, but not this time.  Not to mention especially wanting to ask more about my mate and Dominic. 

"Thank you Sir." I bowed my head at him then at the rest of the council-'thanking' them as well before Kent and I left. 

"Well, that was a surprise." He chuckled. 

"It was, I'm glad he agreed and trusts me though. In which I am sure is mostly due to how close to my father he is." I smiled in agreement. 

We got in the car and started to drive back home where I couldn't WAIT to tell everybody what just happened and celebrate the exciting news while taking Jesika out someplace nice tonight. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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